Is this logic flawed? Obviously in swing races, vote how it’s needed, but if it’s probably going to be a landslide, why not vote for a third party? Some regions even allow for multiple party representation if enough people show interest, so it could be doing future good (if you think more parties is better representation)
You think “the electoral college” is going to give up power? That the current electors even have that power?
The only way to change it to popular vote is to capture 2/3s of the government including the presidency.
With the two current parties neither will get it. We need a FDR style party and hopefully could get enough to do it.
No, the electoral college doesn’t have that power, but lawmakers do. And if enough states commit, the electoral college is effectively dead. Even if a minority of states stick with the electoral college system.
That’s a really good reason to talk to your state legislature about the national interstate popular vote compact - it’s a shitty reason to vote for a third party.