They’re getting smarter about this. Instead of charging Trump immediately they’re saving him for after all his conspirators are convicted. They know that Trump will leave his people out to dry if he thinks it won’t impact him, and by leaving Trump out of it the guilty verdicts become significantly easier to achieve. Once they’ve got a whole slew of air tight convictions to point to their case against Trump becomes really simple because they just need to show be was working with all these people which is practically a matter of public record at this point.
Looks like it’s the insurrectionist All-Star team.
Plus a couple years in prison will make those stool pigeons start singing
George Terwilliger, a lawyer representing Meadows, said he had not yet seen the indictment.
"If Mr. Meadows is named in this indictment, it is a blatantly political and politicized accusation and will be contested and defeated,” he said.
Your client tried to overthrow the results of the election and install a fascist dictator, take this talk of “blatantly political/politicized accusations” and shove it.
Also, if the lawyer hasn’t seen the indictment, how in the world would he know if it is a political accusation?
I hope Giuliani ends up homeless or living in a shitty new York housing project, that would be karma.
If convicted, he’s a lot more likely to die in prison
I hope him and Trump share a cell
Didn’t expect 90% of the comments in this thread to be about how hitting an “x” is difficult.
It’s one person. People have unusual environments, aren’t paying attention, etc.
Yeah but I gotta say, it’s pretty funny that they attach a CC license notice to every inane comment they post.
Yeah, wtf is that about? Is that a thing people do?
LOL! Good and carry on.
It’s a gift link. You’ve got something unusual about your settings (eg: javascript disabled) if you’re hitting the paywall.
It was asking me to login or to create a free account to be able to read the article. 🤷♂️
You couldn’t just close that? I got that too and was able to close it and read~
I quickly looked for a way of closing it, honestly, but did not find one, so I backed out.
Weird. I’m on my phone now and I still have the option to close.
Oh it’s been pointed out to me after my last comment, but I still say it’s not really there because it’s so hard to distinguish from everything else all the background color and the things with larger font size text, etc.
If we’re all being honest about it, we all know it’s a normal strategy to try to get people not to close and instead click thru login/create to their system, they try to obfuscate and hide it by minimizing it or overlapping it with other things.
I’m sorry dude but… It’s not really hidden…
There’s chunk of the bottom of the screen encouraging you to do those things, but it doesn’t in any way keep you from reading the article if you don’t, and you can just click the ‘x’ to remove it from the screen entirely.
but it doesn’t in any way keep you from reading the article if you don’t, and you can just click the ‘x’ to remove it from the screen entirely.
It did on my phone (otherwise I would have read it instead of posting a ‘Paywalled’ comment here), and I didn’t see any X to click on, though granted the screen was very busy with a lot of stuff going on.
On my phone, the ‘x’ is just above the ‘to’ in the words “A Post subscriber gave you free access to this article.”
I honestly didn’t see it until you pointed it out now.
It’s so small and it’s so close to the sign-in button, that I took it as part of the sign-in stuff, and trying to click on the X the first time actually clicked on the sign-in stuff instead.
I actually went looking for the X by scrolling down.
Too bad they didn’t move it more to the right away from the sign-in link, and made it a bold font like they did the wording right below it, as it seems like such a small unbolded font that have the X be displayed as.
I’m not going to change my original comment, and I still stand by it. If they obfuscate the way of closing the pop-ups by making the close button so small and insignificant compared to the other likewise texting around it, to me that still paywalling, as they’re trying to trick people into signing up for an account to read the article.
It’s pretty big and visible on my phone. Not hard to find at all.