Jewish businesses and people are the biggest donors to election campaigns. They own the politicians. That’s not an accident by the way, after the war they needed a way to protect themselfs so they started sponsoring the american war machine through politics. The problem is that the same gun that you buy to protect yourself can be used to harm others and, as we know “gUnS dOn’T ShOoT pEopLe”… but they do in this case
Every fucking time we try to have a discussion about israeli crimes some fuckwad comes in with their conspiracy theory bullshit and spoils the punch for everyone else.
You’re what allows the apologists to keep calling us all antisemites fuckass.
Jewish businesses and people are the biggest donors to election campaigns. They own the politicians. That’s not an accident by the way, after the war they needed a way to protect themselfs so they started sponsoring the american war machine through politics. The problem is that the same gun that you buy to protect yourself can be used to harm others and, as we know “gUnS dOn’T ShOoT pEopLe”… but they do in this case
And this is why we can’t have nice things!
Every fucking time we try to have a discussion about israeli crimes some fuckwad comes in with their conspiracy theory bullshit and spoils the punch for everyone else.
You’re what allows the apologists to keep calling us all antisemites fuckass.