Counterpoint: If people from Europe love the metric system so much, why are their musicians using eighth notes instead of tenth notes?
We do, it just depends on the time signature.
Silence your foolish mouth!
Ever listen to Meshuggah?
You can but isn’t as nice
I want you to try counting 10/4
While you are counting that switch over to 10 hour days. There is no reason there has to be 60 minutes in an hour or 60 seconds. 12/24/60 are just divisible well.
10 hours days are not standard. Music time signatures are different depending on the music and composer preference
Ok, understood.
It’s a yardonome you ignorant swine.
it’s a gardognome you ignorant leprechaun
wrong sub buddy, go back to !dadjokes
Obligatory Fuck Reagan for killing our conversion to metric. We were well on our way in the late 70’s. We hadn’t dropped Imperial but most things were dual labelled: Speed limit and distance signs, weather stats like temp and precipitation. A few gas stations were charging by the liter but that was more to mask the true cost during OPEC embargo. The only thing that stuck was 2 liter bottles of pop and drug dealers knowing the metric system. And having to by 2 sets of wrenches and sockets.
Ukraine elects a TV personality … they get Zelensky.
We do it and get Regan and Trump … what the heck man.
They’re called thetubenomes in UK
No one actually cares about what measuring unit they use. They use whatever is in front of them.
Why are you euros so easily offended by measuring units? Seems like an odd thing to be upset about.
I think they’re all just pissed that fahrenheit is so ridiculously superior
Of course they are pissed. In nature, it is common to see random stuff mixing together to get a cold temperature. Of course you’d define this as 0. Then you define freezing water as 32 and define a random person’s temperature to a even more random 96. Piece of cake.
How are these morons even able to understand that water is freezing approximately at 0c and boiling at 100c. This never happened ever in nature. Why choose something so unimportant to life like water?
It’s US customary, not Imperial.
In music, metre or meter refers to regularly recurring patterns and accents such as bars and beats
They learned from the poets about metrical feet!
Asking the REAL questions! Probably playing the Freedom scale instead of chromatic as well, if you just walk up all the white notes it plays the national anthem.
Just look at the name. They measure metrosexuals not meters. /s
Do Europeans use metrinomes now?
Well shit
My personal fav is when people write 2.5” like sorry you can’t use them both lol I think you mean 2 1/2” pal.
why not
You lost redditor?
You lost crackhead?