Two weeks before the party, I say I’m totally in and excited, and then the day of, I remember I don’t want to do that and say I’m pretty sure I’m getting sick. Then B.
Some good books can make you cry.
Oh I cry reading stuff all the time. I read a lot of historical queer fiction because I’m a masochist, and then I cry because it was so unfair.
I can feel that and I’m cishet.
Basically a consolidated version of the Myers-Briggs test, which is basically astrology for middle-managers.
Middle Managers and 2nd rate psych students. But, having surveyed my undergraduate classes in the past, about 50% of them believe in astrology so it’s no wonder the Myers-Briggs speaks to them.
Isn’t it meant to be a categorical insight?
I was always under the impression it’s obviously non-scientific and simply there to explain the broad aspects of a personality to others quickly.
Maybe that’s the real personality test. Exposing how prone someone is to tribalism over self-reflection based on “I am a…” vs “My outcome was…”
I’ve had 3 dramatically different outcomes depending on the context in which I take it.
I mean, some people like BuzzFeed quizzes, but it’s easy to tell that it’s for entertainment, knowing they’re not scientific. When it’s an documented personality test with a long history, it’s easy to assume it’s scientific. But social sciences weren’t all that scientific until the last few decades, anyway.
I’ve only known a handful of psych students, but even as students they knew enough about the Myers-Briggs to recognize it as pseudo-science bullshit. Sad to hear that’s not universal.
My Psych degree hangs framed above my toilet. It really brings the room together. I only put partial weight into standardized testing, IQ or personality tests, and I hope other people realize the constraints and fallabilities of these metrics. I don’t detest that they exist. I just hope people don’t horoscope 'em.
Might vary from school to school. The bigger thing is upbringing, many first gen kids don’t have that going into college so it’s more a task to teach critical thinking to them. More privileged kids get that out the gate, especially if they’re coming from private schools that encourage critical thinking and not following orders / memorization.
I teach at a place with mostly first gens, so thats how it is.
Short story. My company brought in a different working-type consulting group. I decided to try my own experiment and answered the 150 survey completely randomly, didn’t read the questions. Then sat through a 4 hour workshop where most of my colleagues told me it made so much sense I was a [whatever my results were, I forget]." Found out they paid like $10k for the day session, never told anybody what I did.
I think I have actually done B a few times
There are literally no other possibilities!
I always struggle with these tests. Honestly, I like to do A and then immediately B. If anyone from A try to get ahold of me, completely ghosted for no clear reason whatsoever.
do i have any money to spend? if yes, then A. if no, then B.
Little column A, little column B… ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
B, but no crying
B often except I have neither basement nor book so I just skip those parts.
I mean, I usually do both. Gotta find balance in your life.
Yes both thanks
I’m as introverted as they come, but I’ve actually done A, but never B.
I like to just dangle freely so the tension unwinds itself. The problem is if I don’t stop at the right time, I’ll just spin so far around the other way I become wound up in the opposite direction.