The fuck is wrong with people
I don’t know, but guns seem to enhance it.
Might have been self defense. They’re real rapey.
Wait till you hear what happens on the factory farms that nearly everyone’s meat and dairy comes from. Animals would be lining up for a chance to be treated as well as this dolphin that died at the hands of this bastard.
It’s a livestock’s life that’s more inhumane, not its death. “Riddled with bullets” is undoubtedly more painful than cutting open the superior vena cava.
That being said, what they did to the dolphin is horrible, and I hope they get caught.
Downvoted for speaking the truth
I have no idea why you’re being downvoted. The fishing industry is possibly the biggest monster in the world and people are just fine with what they can not see. I used to own a sailboat. I can tell say first hand it can be disgusting out there. Ya’ll need to watch some documentaries. Thousands of marine animals are being slaughtered right now while you’re reading this.
I have no idea why you’re being downvoted.
Probably because shooting a random dolphin isn’t great
Yeah taking “single dolphin shot repeatedly” to “but what about the fishing industry” isn’t a productive take, it’s whataboutism. They are independent issues, and trying to put focus on one removes the focus from the other
I think it’s good to make people connect their disdain for animal abuse to something they can actually do something about
Maybe check yourself before checking others Mr “other races are like different species”.
I doubt anybody in here is looking for diet or moral advice from a classic 1800’s slave owning racist mindset.
Huh? I am against slavery. Of any species.
It is amazing to watch someone’s mind melt like this just because the truth of their food source is pointed out to them. This is a full-blown insane comment.
I don’t think this is whataboutism in its most deflective form; I think it’s, “Why are we concerned about a one-off incident but not looking at the elephant in the room?”
I guess I don’t consider things whtaaboutism if it’s pointing to something that encapsulates the original issue. These issues are not mutually-exclusive and signal the same problem: It’s just asking why people are inconsistent with their outrage. In other words, whataboutism in this context can be effective when pointing out hypocrisy and double-standards.
To contrast, whataboutism as a deflection tends to be a substitute for, “You did it, too! Thus ignore what I did / what I did wrong is justified.” Again, this is not that.
Except one (shooting a dolphin repeatedly) is an act of sport or maliciousness, while the slaughter of marine mammals is an issue of the fishing industry. It’s like someone locking someone up in their basement vs the unjust imprisonment for many inmates that happens in the US. One is personal, and specific, one is systemic, happens all the time, and needs to be approached with a broader scope. They are all wrong, but you can’t lump them together because you are generally upset
I think we can absolutely say that industrialized slaughter is objectively worse in terms of the scale of suffering for the victims. We abstract the moral suffering in the fishing farm; but whoa, if someone individually shoots an animal — totally different! At the end of the day, scale is what matters.
Personally I couldn’t care less about the assailant’s state of mind; what matters is the victim
It’s a one time incident. This is like when everyone lost their minds when a single turtle got a straw stuck in its nose. I’m not saying that wasn’t a bad thing. Just like I never said someone shooting a dolphin isn’t horrible.
But why offer a 20K reward for this while completely ignoring the mass slaughter taking place every day? Talk about unproductive.
That reminds me, gotta make dinner, some nice juicy chicken should do fine!
Gotta pick up some ice cream as well!
“since you oppose racism im gonna tell you all about being racist”
“Racism is when you hate animals”
See we can all type stupid shit in quotes and pretend it’s what the other person said.
Since we’re criticizing each others diets, yall could do more for the planet by not having kids or eating anything at all.
Just saying.
Racism is a subset of speciesism (which is when you think it is okay to kill some species but not others) so I think the comparison is reasonable.
You think races are different like species are different?
Lmao, and where is this racist kettle, Pot?
Nah, I just added some semi relevant information, just like the comment before mine
Man, you showed him with your factory farmed bird flue
If there is a bird in your flue you should not light the fire until you clean it out.
If you immediately know the candlelight is fire, then the meal was cooked a long time ago.
… are you high?
I want to know what the dolphen was wearing, maybe a dark hoodie. Will they release the arrest record of the dulphin? What was the dolphin holding? Why is so much media attention going to this one dolphon? All sea creatures matter. I read the fisherman thought it was his taser and feared for his life, let’s see how you react in a dark alley with a young dofin.
Dofin is their word, we really shouldn’t be using it at all. Dolphin is the acceptable spelling and term.
No no, it’s okay, my nephew is half porpoise, I can say that.
I heard the dolphin has no currently active warrants, and may have been armed, although no weapon was located at the scene.
Well I’m 1/8 dolphin, my great great grandmother was a dolphin princess.
I’d really prefer if you used “D***n” instead of typing out the word. It’s kind of jarring to see it out there even in an educational context.
That Dolphin was No Angel!!! Stand for are Cop’s and Kneel for are Cross!
If it was a dauphin that was shot, everyone in this corner of the Fediverse would be cheering.
I hear he was buying skittles and a drink. Dolphin was clearly making lean.
Holy shit that’s evil.
Article says Near New Orleans, Louisiana if you’re wondering
Cameron Parish is near New Orleans in the same way that Delaware is near Virginia.
Folks not from the south treat it the same way a good hunk of Americans treat Europe, think it’s culturally homogeneous, can’t pronounce the name of most towns/cities properly, and believe that we get along and like one another.
As though I’d ever say anything positive about South Carolina or Florida
This is American af 🇺🇸
Yes. It’s good to see the NOAA jumping in like this.
I don’t know, the killer didn’t commence to deep fry it…
Or shove a bag of cocaine in its blowhole and claim it was resisting…
Also there’s no confirmation as to whether this dolphin was at school.
Nah, if a cop killed this dolphin, they would admit it but claim they thought the dolphin had a gun, get put on paid administrative leave, get cleared of all charges and then go back to work.
We’ve reached level of absurdity in consensus reality that i unironically want to see the media circus involving a cop accusing a dolphin of having a gun.
I for one back the blue.
To be clear though, I mean the ocean, fuck the
policecapital defense force.We should have the police fight the ocean for the right to be called “the Blue”, with the Sky coming in with the steel chair
Just as the Founders intended.
“Fuck the dolphins!” - Thomas Jefferson, probably
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What do the changelings care about sea mammals?
Maybe it was another dolphin. They don’t report dolphin-on-dolphin violence.
Whomever it was, it was done on porpoise.
GOD DAMMIT that was the first thing I thought of and I was just about to post it! Post was 6 hours ago, your reply was 44 minutes ago. I was too late.
I hate you, have my upvote.
I thought I was too late to the party as well. It was 5 hours old when I posted, which is usually past most of the engagement.
The only way this story could be more American was if it had been a child dolphin, in a public school.
We gotta arm the teacher fish
* pupfish school
Bullets slow down exponentially in water. They caught a dolphin and then shot it to death on land.
Or shot a curious dolphin at the surface.
I wonder about that. Aren’t dolphins and whales non-buoyant, in the sense that they sink when they die?
Looking, I find
I guess the dolphin may have been at the floating stage?
Fuck James.
I’m against the death penalty. But maybe whoever did this to the dolphin should also get to experience what it went through.
I’ve got news for you: you’re not against the death penalty.
Eh, I said what I said when my emotions were high on this. Still against the death penalty though.
If you are for the death penalty when your emotions are high, you are for the death penalty period. People who are against the death penalty don’t go on the record in support of the death penalty, because it’s a principle, not something that you only stand for when it is convenient for you.
If the death of an animal is enough to make you flip, you’re probably going to side with most death sentences since they relate to the murder of human beings.
Someone could murder members of my family, and I would still be against the death penalty, because that’s who I am. You’re not going to hear me calling for anyone’s death, regardless of my emotional state, because I know that doesn’t solve anything, and it is bad for our society as a whole.
Alright man, I guess I’m a shit human being that’s not perfect and my words don’t matter because it seems that you’ve made up your mind about me as a person from one comment on the Internet.
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The obvious solution is to arm other dolphins with AR-15s.
I think SONAR-15s are the aquatic version
OK real shit if you shot and killed a dolphin, why in the fuck would you not harvest the meat? Like when else are you ever gonna get to try dolphin? Obviously I wouldn’t personally shoot a dolphin but if I did you can bet your ass I’m gonna try its meat instead of letting it rot
Like the guy that killed the wolf in Wyoming? Surprisingly a lot of people that play around with guns seem to think that life is cheap, They’re willing to kill people for lots of reasons, like arguing over parking spaces or whatever. Animal life is cheaper still. When you have a hammer you’re just looking for nails, and a dolphin is just another throwaway to shoot at.
Dolphins can rape…so in the 0.000000001% chance that it raped its killer or did some other kind of gruesome attack, I guess that could be the justification.
Not defending it; just trying to answer your hypothetical questions! Lmao
Couldn’t it have washed ashore and then someone used it as target practice? Artical says gunshots happened near the time of death.
The authorities likely checked the dolphin’s internal temperature to figure out time of death. And if the wounds had been hemorrhaging = the dolphin was alive when it was shot.
This is the same way authorities figure out when a person died and if injuries occured before or after death.
Artical says gunshots happened near the time of death.
Well yeah… gunshot wounds and death tend to be highly correlated.
@BradleyUffner @ThePantser Correlation != Causation
You can just say you didn’t understand the joke. No need to misapply an overused truism.
I was also making a joke