The Slow Unveiling of the Palestinian Nakba
It is a damning indictment of the international community that the true scale and lasting impact of the Nakba, the catastrophic dispossession of the Palestinian people, remained obscured and marginalized for so long.
It took decades — nearly half a century — before the term “Nakba” gained widespread recognition and the events of 1948 were understood as an ongoing process of violence and displacement, rather than a singular historical event.
The reasons for this protracted obscuring of the Nakba are manifold, and speak to the power of nationalist mythmaking and the complicity of those who would rather look away from uncomfortable truths.
Like everything political in the Middle East, the answer is “it’s complicated”. Israelis and Palestinians are not the only political players in the region. They’re not even the major players.
The Middle East is divided between Saudi Arabia and Iran. They each have their allies and proxies. Both dislike Israel, but Saudi Arabia less so. Saudi Arabia is allied with the US and Iran is allied with Russia (since the USSR).
The real question you should be asking yourself is: why are Palestinians still in refugee camps after so many decades? Can’t one of these richer oil states help them? Both Iran and Saudi Arabia have extra land and money, but they keep the Palestinians suffering because it helps them politically against Israel.
Israel is the primary group fucking over the Palestinians, but Iran, Syria, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, etc. are all not helping the situation. Palestine is asking for diplomatic help and food. Saudi Arabia does nothing and Iran is handing them rifles to use against fighter bombers.