If a topic keeps coming up no matter how much you try to censor it, consider that it’s not going away. Some changes are long overdue.
If a topic keeps coming up no matter how much you try to censor it, consider that it’s not going away. Some changes are long overdue.
There is no ethical consumption under Capitalism, so jot that down.
While that is true, it ignores the fact that not all consumption is equally unethical.
I’m tired of hearing this phrase inappropriately used in such a cynical hedonistic fashion. 90% of the time I hear it, the person is using it as if to say “All consumption under capitalism is equally ethical.” Of course they don’t seriously believe that, but because they aren’t saying what they mean perhaps it allows them to maintain this cognitive dissonance.
People with this mindset would not be useful post revolution without reeducation. Y’all are just jealous of the parasitic class and would not want to make a better world if it were even a minor inconvenience to you. If we simply eat the rich and loot their coffers what we will be left with is a bunch of worthless financial instruments and the reins of the exploitative industry, and we must do more than simply grab those reins and be our own slave drivers.
There is no ethical consumption under a system that takes resources from people by force. Consent legitimizes economic interaction.
I never consented to being born.
Not what that meannnnnnnns someone eat this kulak
I literally almost never eat meat, i just enjoy cheese and butter, the dairy alternatives haven’t caught up to the alternative meats yet. I used to love cooking and eating steak (used to make a mean Steak Diane), but haven’t in years due to how terrible beef farming is for the environment. If I’m given free food that would go to waste without me eating it I’ll eat meat, but only if their is no veggie alternative. There is literally so much fuxking human suffering in the world to care about and mediate before we should spend all our time and energy worrying about animal suffering. If humanity doesnt even have class conciousness, how can you expect it to have the empathetic capacity to care about animal suffering, when it doesnt give a damn aboht human suffering. And yes there is no ethical consumption under Capitalism.
Bro you don’t get to say “But have you considered that the cow torturers are being exploited of the value of their labor?!?!?” and pretend it’s praxis.
Like, sure, but contributing to both isn’t an answer.
They quite literally are being exploited of their labor value, and have one of the grossest most disgusting jobs in modern society.
Sure. How does buying the meat help?
I literally dont buy meat lol
I didn’t say you did.
I said “How does buying the meat help.”
It doesnt. Whats your point?
What’s the point of bringing up a phrase that most people just use to keep buying cheap shit from Amazon?
“No ethical consumption under capitalism” says nothing about the abstaining from consumption.
Yes so let’s continue finding the genocide of billions of sentient beings that can feel pain and don’t want to die to be ground up and turned into fucking burger.
Animals all over there earth eat each other constantly, often while the meal is still alive. Grow up.
I don’t use lions as my moral compass otherwise I would be eating toddlers.
You’ve never tried toddler meat?! You’re missing out there!
I’ll assume you’re not someone who’s ever said “eat the rich” then
I don’t think you should be using wild animals as your moral compass? Or do you actually think you’re as incapable of controlling yourself as a wild dog or something?
Have you met any humans lately? 🙄
The fact that you’re making this moral judgement about other people proves that you understand you shouldn’t follow their examples either. Grow up.
Oh no, our treatment of food animals is most definitely well controlled and light years beyond the morality of nature
The foxes are keeping hens immobilized in boxes their entire life and throwing male chicks in a massive grinder because they’re economically useless? Here I thought they were just savagely but quickly tearing individual birds up to eat.
The problem is the scale at which we do it. I don’t have a problem with small and ethical farms killing some animals to sell or use themselves, but I don’t remember lions breeding their prey into slavery, injecting them with chemicals, and turning them into bigmacs millions of times over.
Also corporate industrial waste that throws away hundreds of pounds like it’s nothing. But that’s a different argument from eating meat.
Saying that scale is the problem is the epitome of collectivism. The individualist approach sees the moral landscape as the experience of the individual.
In collectivist terms, which cannot help expressing these things in terms of numbers, the individualist view can be expressed as “one is too many”.
But in individualist terms, it’s not about numbers at all. It’s about pain, pleasure, hope, fear, sadness, anger, etc.
This concept of “well anything over fifteen thousand is too many”, drawing a line between numbers and calling that line the divider between good and bad, is a sure path to evil.
This viewpoint is valid as long as you agree you aren’t morally or intellectually superior to a fish.
Well, actually, many fish are obligate carnivores, so they don’t have a choice, so maybe more like a rat or a bear.
Animals do it for survival. Humans do it for fun. By your logic, should we legalize murder because animals of the same species kill each other without consequences?
This fckn argument shows how brainwashed we as a society are. You didnt even think for 0.01s before posting this, but you did anyway because it is branded into your brain.
I eat to survive. You apparently eat to have something to proselytize about. An omnivorous diet that your distant ancestors had enabled you to have that large brain you aren’t using here. While the last part of the previous sentence is speculation based on evidence you’ve provided freely, the first part is pretty much established fact at this point.
They don’t want to die to be ground up into burger, and they don’t want its opposite either.
A right to life is most appropriate for any conscious being which benefits emotionally from that right. This requires: