Titan is the only object other than Earth where liquid hydrocarbon lakes and seas have actually been found (by Cassini) in its polar regions – in abundance in the north polar region and at least one of approximately 20,000 km2, called Ontario Lacus, on its south pole. Just recently, there have also been long-standing methane lakes, or puddles, in Titan’s “tropics” discovered.
This makes me wonder what would happen if someone ignited large explosives by some of these hydrocarbon pools… since there’s plenty of water ice, there’s oxygen tied up to react with…
Titan is small, and distant, when compared to the photo in the thread.
The photo in this thread is by Cassini, which was at least a thousand of times closer. Titan is 1.2 million KM from Saturn, which Cassini was orbiting, while Earth, which JWST “orbits” is at least 1.2 billion KM from Saturn.
With its liquids (both surface and subsurface) and robust nitrogen atmosphere, Titan’s methane cycle bears a striking similarity to Earth’s water cycle, albeit at the much lower temperature of about 94 K (−179 °C; −290 °F).
A clearer picture, for those interested:
From the source:
The US would like to know your location
For some reason, there are terrorists on Titan. The USA is preparing the Space Marines
A division of space force.
Led by Johnny Space
Chief Medic: Dr. Spaceman
Pronounced Spa-sche-min
This makes me wonder what would happen if someone ignited large explosives by some of these hydrocarbon pools… since there’s plenty of water ice, there’s oxygen tied up to react with…
It looks far less habitable up close lol.
Why the blur if the telescope is so powerful?
Titan is small, and distant, when compared to the photo in the thread.
The photo in this thread is by Cassini, which was at least a thousand of times closer. Titan is 1.2 million KM from Saturn, which Cassini was orbiting, while Earth, which JWST “orbits” is at least 1.2 billion KM from Saturn.
Thanks for the clarification!
That’s way too cold in my opinion!
These are not photographs I think? It’s computer generated.
These are photographs, actually