Trump is trying to get thrown in jail. His court appearance donation bumps are slowing, and he can’t campaign or fundraise properly. His only chance to avoid prosecution is to win the election. Throwing Trump in jail for tweeting will energize his base.
Meanwhile, letting him rant on “Failing” Truth Social every night then get fined $1,000 by the judge every morning makes him look petty.
Someone else here on Lemmy suggested community service instead of jail time. It sure would be funny to see Trump in a high-vis vest picking up trash along some road. Maybe one day per gag order violation?
I would happy cry if this happened
It can’t happen though. Community service is an act that requires cooperation. He would need to buy in, which he won’t. He’d wear the orange jumpsuit and continue to campaign from the side of the highway. He’d never pick up a single bit of trash, he’d smile for cameras.
Cool, so then he’s never actually going to complete it and would have to be out there every day doing nothing and looking (more) like a criminal.
I’d still pay to see him forced to degrade himself and be cajoled by DoC thugs to pick up trash. Even if he never did, the damage to his ego would be worth the wasted time.
It really would. Just make him stand around out there by the road every day. At least until the media stops showing up.
He’d be looking more like a martyr every day. He’d get constant attention from his supporters and more opportunities to address the public than he currently has now. As much as it could hurt him, It really has as much chance to backfire and help him.
What’s the intended response here, chief? I’m genuinely stumped by your contribution.
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He said, unnecessarily
You’re not the person I meant to respond to
Just a reality check.
You were protecting me from a passing fancy. Got it. Thanks for keeping the fediverse safe.
What was the point of this reply?
I saw that comment, too. It’s a brilliant idea. Hit him where it counts - his ego.
Just love the idea
He tried this with the civil case. Judge just ramped up the penalty until he was forced to stop.
Engoron is a badass
You’re probably right about that, but he’s so blatantly crossing the line in ways that would result in a regular Joe getting thrown in jail…
Can we survive as a society of he continues to make a mockery of the rule of law? Isn’t it important to show that the wealthy are not above the law? Every day he breathes free air is evidence that the justice system is broken beyond repair and it gives fuel to those who want a violent revolution to burn the system down.
it undermines the defense if they argue he’s being unfairly negatively treated.
He needs to get thrown in jail to fully emulate his political idol.
After all it worked for Hitler.
So you mean Trump will like take over in some ten to twenty years 😂
Only if he manages to write a manifesto, I’m not sure Trump can write anything coherent longer than 140 characters.
I haven’t seen good evidence of his ability to stay coherent with less than 140 characters either
I was assuming the help of a speech/ghost writer, as he did in his presidential days
Good thing his dementia riddled brain won’t last 10.
I’m not sure that it’s true, there are a lot of people who are undecided who have said they will not vote for him if convicted, no matter how energized he makes his base
I can’t even begin to imagine the life experience and mental gymnastics it would take to still be undecided at this point.
His base supporters, I get. They want a dictator. They don’t care how we get there. No amount of criminal convictions are going to change their mind.
But for the rest of the people, how is it even possible to still be undecided. The wannabe dictator has made it crystal clear his intentions to become a dictator.
I can’t even begin to imagine the life experience and mental gymnastics it would take to still be undecided at this point.
No common sense and blind faith in The System™?
People are always trying to find the super secret plan behind trumps actions. Hes a dumb old fuck who just does things.
Prove it
If only laws applied to the wealthy or connected 😓
“This type of behavior is never tolerated in Barraqua. You talk about judge like that? Right to jail. Right away.”
I’ve seen lots of speculation that Trumbo is trying to get himself thrown in jail for the publicity of it all. It would result in a huge fundraising boost and conservative outrage, even if just for a short while, and no one wants to give him the satisfaction.
Conservatives generate outrage at anything and they donate to him regardless.
This is a lame excuse for why they won’t lock his arse up.
His fundraising is going historically terrible right now.
I’d be curious if anyone is doing an accounting of the total take though. I get that his campaign isn’t raising as much money, but how many sneakers did they sell? I’m assuming they sold a few bibles and I’d assume he has his fingers in the 2 billion Kushner took for “investments.”
You don’t think he’s spending any of that on his campaign or legal fees, do you? That’s his money.
Call his fucking bluff.
In jail, no phone, no internet, no interviews. The only way he’d get to talk to the public is though his lawyer, who is accountable to tell the truth when discussing details of the case.
Fuck that. His whining gets him money already, might as well actually stick his ass behind bars.
Unsure that would happen… Lots of undecided out there who care about the rule of law and have said in polls if he was convicted they would not vote for him. I think it’s delusion and wishful thinking on his part
of undecided out there who care about the rule of law
have said in polls if he was convicted they would not vote for him
Why would you believe a group of people that are insane enough to still be “undecided” on Trump. Don’t be a sucker.
I keep saying it, those ‘undecided’ and ‘middle of the road’ people are actually just embarrassed conservatives. They don’t wanna be seen as Trumpers while still voting for him.
“I’ve asked you eight or nine times to show me the exact post and you’ve not been able to show me even once,” the judge told him.
“You’re losing all credibility, I’ll tell you that right now,” he later added.
The judge has found Trump’s weakness: facts that back up his hyperbole.
Relevant context, Judge Merchan is not covered in the gag order which is likely why Trump is venting his petulant frustration his way. The judge has shown he gives no fucks for the impotent insults Trump is hurling.
Trump probably would like to moan about everyone involved in the case. If he is dictating his tweets to an intern, then likely the intern doesn’t press Send on the ones that discuss the people protected by the order.
I was going to write the same thing if you hadn’t. It’s a shame I had to scroll so far past the “judge won’t do anything” comments to someone else who’s actually reading the court notes.
He reduced the counts from 10 to 8, due to the defense’s argument about clarification of reposting vs posting, but has yet to rule on the order violations. It’ll likely be the $1,000 per infraction recommendation of the prosecution, with possible jail time for future infractions.
Merchan doesn’t play around, but he’s also smart not to give Trump any reason to claim bias or mistrial. By the book is the right play here.
One issue is that NY law only allows the judge two options: max $1000 or up to 30 days in jail.
This means the judge can’t crank the financial option and jail is still viewed as the nuclear option with high stakes, mostly about the appeals process that could stall the case, just like the DC case.
And that’s why we need fines proportional to an individual’s actual net worth.
Sure, but a judge has to follow the law until it’s changed
I hope he’s building a paper trail to make it absolutely bulletproof when he puts trump in jail and points to numerous fines and warnings that did nothing at all to deter him. An appeal should conclude that if anything, this judge gave trump too many chances before finally jailing him.
Should have day fines in use to not have such a silly maximum that just makes offenses so easy for the wealthy who can toss thousands around.
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The man used to fall asleep with Twitter open and then accidentally tweet nonsense. I doubt he’s got anyone else in control of his social media now. I even remember reading how his staff pleaded with him to not Tweet the week of the election
Lock him the fuck up already.
Preferably, max security prison, brick over the entrance, cover in sound insulation… more bricks followed by a giant pour of bank vault mix.
Preferably, max security prison, brick over the entrance
Amontillado, my favorite beverage.
Just the cask.
We’ve all been having a cask kind of year
The Cask of Orangillado Juice
This is just to show that the judge won’t put him in jail for any reason at all. Rules don’t apply to the (even fake) wealthy like they do normal folk.
I am not arguing - at all - against the fundamental unfairness of the justice system, like at a foundational level. And I refuse to grant Trump even the favor of my hatred. He is as vile and wicked a creature as has ever plagued society.
But that ain’t what this is about.
If you were jailed tonight, justly or not, how many would rise up in your name?
It isn’t fair, but it’s the reality.
The justice system should not care how big that mob is. Thats the sort of shit that destroys civilization.
There seems to be plenty of police available to shut down universities over Palestine protests, so it’s not a staffing issue to put him in jail and keep the building guarded. They have plenty of shields, pepper bullets, rubber bullets, teargas, etc in case his coward supporters go for a full January 6 here. So golly gee, I just can’t quite figure out what the issue is here. /s
In reality, I get it. The judge doesn’t want to be in history books for putting a major presidential candidate and ex president in jail, especially just a few months before the election, especially when he really can’t guarantee that person’s safety. Imagine what happens if trump dies in jail. If we could trust police to be public servants rather than an organized gang engaging in racketeering against the working class as directed by the owning class, then maybe we could see proper justice.
What’s maybe most frustrating is that we all see that the state can be swayed by assumed mob reactions from the right, yet the left doesn’t dare weaponize those same implied threatens that we can clearly see are effective. Most cops are cowards. We are angrier and better armed than most on the right can imagine, and the system isn’t sufficiently afraid of us.
It would be a kind of reversed lynch justice if the mob prevented real justice from happening. Is there a special term for it?
Maybe it’s time for y’all-qeada to show its true colors.
Spoiler alert: it’s yellow
I don’t hate it.
I do fully think if justice were applied equally, he’d already be in jail. And I personally think it would be sorta funny to watch the people too dumb to learn from the failed insurrection try to storm a jail belonging to one of the most violent police gangs in the U.S.
But the strategy of not giving Trump reasons to whine about unfair treatment is sound. And perhaps supporters will see he’s getting special treatment, and realize that’s another way they aren’t like him.
What happens when someone finds out that there are no consequences to ones actions. He’s basically a child!
Always has been.
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The man is an absolute senile punkass twat
Soros the boogeyman. Lol.