The FTC’s three Democratic members were in favor of adopting the regulation, while its two Republican members were against it.
“The FTC estimated that the ban would boost wages by between $400 billion and $488 billion over 10 years.”
Employers are required to tell people that existing noncompetes are void:
The new rule makes it illegal for employers to include the agreements in employment contracts and requires companies with active noncompete agreements to inform workers that they are void. The agency received more than 26,000 comments about the rule after it was proposed some 16 months ago. The rule will take effect after 120 days, although business groups have promised to challenge it in court, which could delay implementation.
FTC commissioners have a limited term of office, and no more than 3 are allowed to be members of one party.
A future Republican President could in fact change this by appointing a Republican majority. This makes it incredibly important to not allow that. That means not just planning to vote, but checking your registration to make sure it hasn’t been purged or in need of an update because you moved or changed names, volunteering and donating