Thankfully the shipping industry is known to be transparent and maritime law is straightforward, so this matter should be resolved quickly!
It’s a blessing that jurisdictions are so clear and concise because ships are flagged with the country they are operated from. Just imagine the huge amount of legal issues if someone registered their ships in all sorts of shady places to exploit more workers and save on taxes! What a nightmare that would be.
I know, right? Wouldn’t that be absurd? A company based in, say, the US, could use a matrioshka doll-esque sequence of shell companies to pretend a ship is from some totally unrelated country with far laxer regulations. I’m glad we don’t live in a world where corporations are allowed to flout the rules that apply to you and me.
Yeah, man! Just imagine how complicit any government would be in ignoring such obvious disregard for human lives and wellbeing! This would be absolutely bonkers!
Maritime law is the best law. It works so well for Sovereign Citizens.
Except when they get tazed
Going completely off-topic is only valid in very specific cases. To display tazed dumbbells like Sovereign Citizens is one of them.
hahaha that was quite satisfying
I project there will be much more shifting of the blame in this trial.
Obviously Biden’s fault. /s
Thanks Obama
Is it really a claim when there’s direct evidence to the fact?
What is this evidence you speak of?
It’s that thing that Republicans ignore and then somehow blame Biden for.
I haven’t seen any such evidence. If you mean it crashing, that can happen to a perfectly acceptable functioning vessel. The theory for a while (and it may still be the case) is bad fuel. That could take out any vessel.
Im sure if the city is saying this there’s some truth to it, but don’t pretend that the crash itself is evidence. Things go wrong all the time, sometimes without a reason that could have been forseen.
The boat turned off without being told to turn off. With dual generators, and dual auxiliary backups, they lost power to the whole boat. That’s not including the main 55k hp engine. Bad fuel can take out an engine, not 5 of them running from different tanks all at once.
This guy is more knowledgeable that everyone in this thread, and speaks to experts about a lot of it. I don’t know shit.
From the sounds of it, even when electrical power is restored, that doesn’t give thrust control. Also, without thrust control the rudder doesn’t do much. Don’t just assume you know something.
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Grace Ocean, “that’s why it was going down a river! CHECKMATE! NO CULPABILITY!”
I mean, if it were truly seaworthy, would it be worth having at sea?