• LeadersAtWork@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    The pattern of the wealthy indicates a natural disconnect from others. This isn’t an excuse, it’s just the pattern. When I say Taylor isn’t terrible, I mean it through the lens of recognizing that pattern. She feels more human and more willing to make concessions. I would like it if the larger community stopped dropkicking the few not bad, potentially even okay ones, and started celebrating their positive successes in relation to making a positive impact.

    Let’s condemn the fuck out of actions that deserve it while also giving a solid thumbs up and recognition when they do good. Instead we universally condemn the existence of these individuals. Which would be fine, except a few of them seem to be trying to do some good. I say we support the heck out of that so they keep doing it. For most of us if we kept trying to do good and kept getting galvanized for it would tell the world to fuck off after awhile. I’d rather reinforce the positive within the conditions of a global society we live in and work from that foothold to grab the change we need.