I started out real good, but dinner is popcorn, diet coke and peanut butter mnms
Breakfast: lost to time.
Lunch: a morsel of raw squirrel meat.
Supper: 12 frozen hotdogs with mayonnaise and hollandaise sauce.
definitely cant relate to all you hunger-forgetters. I went the other way into full on binge eating (BED). constant snacking = constant victory 😎 dopamine city baby
oh god praise Vyvanse and its expiring patent
My body WANTS to be diabetic, who am I to get in its way?
I have not felt like eating at any point today, so I haven’t. But I ate lots yesterday? I will probably eat a bunch of random stuff later.
@MadgePickles I’ve been nursing a 32 oz insulated mug of coffee everyday for a while.
Breakfast was two slices of raisin toast
Lunch was 30-40 sping rolls, legit too many to count
Dinner was some Mexican chickpea bowl thing
I think I fucked up with a few too many sping rolls??
I have questions;
- Did you mean spring rolls?
if so,
- Were they full sized spring rolls?
if so,
- Where did you get that many full sized spring rolls down your craw in one sitting? A restaurant?
Right? Give me this magical spring roll fountain
Weird day… I’ve eaten:
- Fiber powder
- 4 eggs with hot sauce
- 1 can of sardines in olive oil
- 1 can of tuna
- 3 roasted almonds
- A few bites of sauerkraut
Idol tbh
Literally my conversation with my wife last night.
Me when I got home from work: I was good today! I bought some new, low calorie rice cake snacks with flax, chia, and quinoa! A serving is only 90 cal and they taste awesome!
My wife: I bought a 10 pack of king cones…
Me: …I also bought hot pockets…
A meal replacement drink, ~several hours of hyperfocus~ like 10 handfuls of peanuts??? ~more hours of focus~ a chicken breast, some roasted veggies, baked potato (pleased about this, but it was provided for me) i am very good at being functional and taking care of my body
some Red Baron pepperoni pizza slices for dinner 🍕
I’m trying to improve my diet but oh man I love those.