That would be weird to coordinate trying to buy and sell a ton of stuff online. I’m almost certain he had a phone. Which is fine if it was one of those free phones they give to the needy but I somehow doubt it was. Probably just his regular iPhone.
I get what you’re saying but that would extra defeat the purpose of this experiment. There’s plenty of phones out there for the program anyways, the issue is getting it to the hands of the people who need it, not necessarily there not being enough of them. Where I live you see tents all over the place with people helping you sign up for these phones.
That would be weird to coordinate trying to buy and sell a ton of stuff online. I’m almost certain he had a phone. Which is fine if it was one of those free phones they give to the needy but I somehow doubt it was. Probably just his regular iPhone.
I’d rather him use his own phone than take one that could have gone to someone that actually needed it.
I get what you’re saying but that would extra defeat the purpose of this experiment. There’s plenty of phones out there for the program anyways, the issue is getting it to the hands of the people who need it, not necessarily there not being enough of them. Where I live you see tents all over the place with people helping you sign up for these phones.