You can’t use those for 8 hours a day. You are supposed to use those for like 1 hour per day. Its enforced by the computer which will log you out. You also can’t use them without a library card. In order to get a library card you need an ID. To get an ID you need around $80, ride to a government office, and your other paperwork.
If you don’t have your other paperwork and you are lucky enough to be a dude living in the state you were born you just need a ride to a bigger government office and an an entire day to wait in line.
If you were born in a different state you will need an internet connection, a credit card, and an address to get the documents shipped to. If you are a woman you will also need documents for every wedding and divorce in addition to your birth certificate. This could easily run you a few hundred bucks and 6 weeks. Remember you also can’t rent a mailbox without the ID or get a job to earn the money you need.
Basically even getting a library card may be a multistep process that takes months.
When my mother in law came to live with us she had no current ID so we had to send away to multiple states for her birth certificate, marriage, and divorce decrees to substantiate who she was. It ended up if I recall correctly costing about $300 to get all the documents and required an internet connection, address, and credit card, several weeks, and a car to get back and forth to government offices. During this time it would have been impossible had she been on her own to get any benefits of any kind, get an id, rent, use a library computer, work or really do anything. In the place where we lived at that time—a red state—if she didn’t have a place to stay she could have been harassed or arrested for vagrancy.
You can’t use those for 8 hours a day. You are supposed to use those for like 1 hour per day. Its enforced by the computer which will log you out. You also can’t use them without a library card. In order to get a library card you need an ID. To get an ID you need around $80, ride to a government office, and your other paperwork.
If you don’t have your other paperwork and you are lucky enough to be a dude living in the state you were born you just need a ride to a bigger government office and an an entire day to wait in line.
If you were born in a different state you will need an internet connection, a credit card, and an address to get the documents shipped to. If you are a woman you will also need documents for every wedding and divorce in addition to your birth certificate. This could easily run you a few hundred bucks and 6 weeks. Remember you also can’t rent a mailbox without the ID or get a job to earn the money you need.
Basically even getting a library card may be a multistep process that takes months.
Wow I had no idea
When my mother in law came to live with us she had no current ID so we had to send away to multiple states for her birth certificate, marriage, and divorce decrees to substantiate who she was. It ended up if I recall correctly costing about $300 to get all the documents and required an internet connection, address, and credit card, several weeks, and a car to get back and forth to government offices. During this time it would have been impossible had she been on her own to get any benefits of any kind, get an id, rent, use a library computer, work or really do anything. In the place where we lived at that time—a red state—if she didn’t have a place to stay she could have been harassed or arrested for vagrancy.