This is one of my cats; Blue. He was recently attacked by something, or someone, while I was at work, last week. I’m currently fundraising for his treatment. It is going to be over $2000. 😞
This is one of my cats; Blue. He was recently attacked by something, or someone, while I was at work, last week. I’m currently fundraising for his treatment. It is going to be over $2000. 😞
I saw an ad for that! I was going to apply, but it mentioned qualifying based on your credit score. Mine has been awful since losing my home and having it sold in short sale.
When mine was 600 I got $2500 with zero interest for six months. I was able to pay it off within the six months. I would try to apply to see.
If care credit is easy to as it was ten years ago you have nothing to worry about. Just make sure that the vet takes it first. Despite being a credit card, it doesn’t quite spend like one.
Here is how that just went.
Sorry to hear that they do have a different parent company now so it may not be the same. Though I would try calling and talking to someone. Again my experience is 10 years old but the person I talked to on the phone was very accommodating.
Also do you have a local shelter? Give them a call they always know if there is a low cost vet in the area. 2 grand for a sedation and wound cleaning seems really high. Even with antibiotics.
We do have a local shelter, but I don’t think they offer veterinary services. Our local shelters were also featured in the news paper recently for being so underfunded, that they are turning away new stray animals. One of our shelters even closed due to lack of funding. They had to hold a local adoption drive to clear their cages, after announcing they were turning away strays. I doubt they could help.
Oh they won’t have vet service but they will know the best low cost vet for you. They use them too.