Sounds like he’s not unhoused anymore, and he’s earned some land.
he’s housed as fuck!
Given that it’s Los Angeles, that shelter could probably go for about $175,000.
Big House is gonna buy it up and rent it out on AirBNB.
Moving yet another long term rental to the short term rental market. Isn’t about time that somebody passed a law preventing existing buildings from being moved to the short term rental market?
Man the modern hoovervilles are much more disjointed. Mostly tents and reliant on existing structures. This is that old school impressive setup, but I wonder if the police have just gotten better at deconstructing them faster and we will see a follow up of this being taken down within days.
When your illegal house is featured on the news safe to say it will get taken down soon. If only because officials feel pressured to take action. Sucks for the people who live there.
I wonder how many offers he’s gotten for it so far.
So is homeless a bad word now or something? Why did we invent a new word this?
A house and a home are not always the same thing.
To me it’s the same type of class war as “opioid abuse disorder” vs “drug addict”.
They pretty up the language once it hits closer to home.
So is he unhoused or not?
Not anymore, he pulled himself up by his bootstraps !!1!
I don’t get it, does he have a permanent “home” at a shelter or facility, or does he own a house that he chooses not to live in?
The housing market is a gatekept pile of shit, people getting their time stolen from them for something not as valuable as this fake fucking system makes it out to be. NIMBYism is a core part of accelerationism, let’s go NIMBY fucks.
“There are men who, through ownership of land, are able to make others pay for the privilege of being allowed to exist and to work. These landowners are idle, and I might therefore be expected to praise them. Unfortunately, their idleness is only rendered possible by the industry of others; indeed their desire for comfortable idleness is historically the source of the whole gospel of work. The last thing they have ever wished is that others should follow their example.”
― Bertrand Russell
So…favelas anyone? Gotta start somewhere.
They’ll legalize this and call it groundbreaking while real houses sit empty
Sadly I doubt they’ll legalize it. It might take too much income away from the poor landlord class!
Hopefully he can work to make it classified as a legit dwelling, and then he at least gets a bunch of eviction protections.
Its on public land, they can stay there they just can’t construct permanent structure of they’re smart its built like a sledge so when they say move on they can get a couple friends and drag it to another spot and technically comply with the law.
They’ll demolish this while real houses sit empty
Here in the Global South we call that “business as usual.”
Isn’t that how America started?
The Artist Formerly Known as
PrinceUnhoused Man