Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, retired NBA legend-turned-actor and writer, detailed his criticisms of the way Tarantino portrayed Lee in a recent column for The Hollywood Reporter, calling it “sloppy” and “racist.” He begins by explaining how he and Lee became friends leading up to when they co-starred in 1978’s Game of Death, released posthumously after Lee’s death…
So clearly I’m not the only one, as many people have called out the movie for it’s racism. And yes believe it or not Tarantino can be racist towards someone from Hong Kong, while liking and not being racist towards black people. Racism is complicated, keep up
So Bruce Lee can beat up hundreds of white guys, because asians are good at martial arts, i guess? But there can’t be one white guy in the world who beats up bruce? Racism is complicated indeed.
You are, in fact, wrong.
Prove it
You’re the one making a claim, you’re the one who has to prove what you’re asserting
So clearly I’m not the only one, as many people have called out the movie for it’s racism. And yes believe it or not Tarantino can be racist towards someone from Hong Kong, while liking and not being racist towards black people. Racism is complicated, keep up
So Bruce Lee can beat up hundreds of white guys, because asians are good at martial arts, i guess? But there can’t be one white guy in the world who beats up bruce? Racism is complicated indeed.
Oh is this what we’re doing? Bringing up the whole “white people are victims too” bullshit?