I am a Palestinian American in Pennsylvania, a contested state. I plan to write in “uncommitted” in the Democratic primary on 23 April and in November, I will vote for a third-party candidate.

For many, myself included, a vote for Biden is simply impermissible – the extent of the moral calamity is so great as to render a vote for Biden a vote for complicity.

As the president of the Center City mosque in Philadelphia, Mohammed Shariff, said to me: “My vote is the purest form of expression and speech.” President Biden ignores our voices at his own peril, and ours.

  • DrDominate@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Even though it says they’ll only vote uncommitted in the dems primary, they probably will vote elsewhere in the November election too. I kind of get it, these people are losing families and friends, losing their nation. If both candidates are going to let Palestine anyways, you may as well try and hurt the one who isn’t doing it right now. What else have they got to lose in their minds? I can’t feign to imagine the fear and helplessness these people are feeling right now, to live under the rule of people who would watch and fund the burning of your people.