Session Zero

Alternate Piped Front End

Welcome to Natural 6. This is session zero of the world of Reliquiae. We’ve rolled our characters, we know who our heroes are, and now it’s time to see how they met.
Before time.
Before sound and song, color and light.
Before mortal memory, a battle raged.
The gods of Good, Evil, and Chaos, known as ‘TheVirtuous’, ‘The Vile’, and ‘The Wild’ (respectively), fought for control of existence. When this war finally ended, it was ‘The Virtuous’ who triumphed. And, being driven by a desire to create, having destroyed for so long, they called into being a world, Reliquiae. A vast and verdant crater, surrounded on all sides by a towering mountain range called the Allanites. A world in which mortality could multiply and flourish. Each of The Virtuous bringing forth a race in their image and imbued with a spark of their divine being.
So mortality came to be.
So began a time known as The Immortal Peace. Yet ‘Peace’ has never meant ‘Perfection’. Mortals still lie, cheat, murder, extort and expose one another to terrible cruelty. There are still the hopeless, the desperate, the lost…
And it’s souls such as these who turn to The Web. A nefarious, shadowy organization that offers protection, procurement, and power at a price. Those who find themselves caught within it’s silken threads may extracate themselves by two methods: By Gold or By Servitude. There are some who bind their families to The Web for generations. So strong is their desire to achieve their ends. Yet, despite the disperate paths that led them there, all agents of The Web are united in the knowledge of one thing: that they are not free until their debt is paid. There is no escape from The Web. For their eyes are as to the stars in the sky, and
The Web Is Wide.
Five agents of The Web are moving now in the northeast of the continent. Two days journey from the city of Brack on the edge of the northern swamps.