Just paste the entire hbomberguy new vegas script
NCR: spread too thin, no full ability to rebuild, just barely survives, doesn’t seem to learn the lessons of their predecessors.
Legion: safer roads at the cost of everything else, extreme misogyny, slavery,
House: ability to rebuild, is only focused on rebuilding the strip, basically a corporation running things
What about the yes-man?
Depends fully on the courier’s int and morality how well that would work.
Are you saying my Forrest Gump courier isn’t the hero the wasteland deserves?
I will take Forest Gump doing his best over any of those 3
Undetermined, but expectedly nefarious.
Hate to pick the capitalist, but he does seem to be the only option going forward from fnv. He might be up his own ass, but he isn’t stupid like our current oligarchs and he does seem to have a real plan for the future.
The ncr is just going to go the way of all neoliberal societies; spin in place until it collapses or rebuilds.
The legion is a total shithole that’ll fall apart the second Cesar dies, and we don’t really get to see any positives they might have either (not that i think any could outweigh the negatives of legion rule)
the legion ending with a dead caesar is the 2nd worst ending for the mojave (the worst being the courier teaming up with father elijah)
Followers of the Apocalypse are humanity’s last hope.
Only leader in that game that was worth a shit was The King. 4th option, courier rules the Mojave and delegates most of the day to day to Elvis, so they can fuck off in the great divide or hang with JG.
Ncr, for its, faults is society. Realistically legion apologists just go “but the safe roads though”. If they’d had the time to expand legion, where we could see something besides war camps. I’d hear the argument more.
As it stands, they’re rapist slavers who are barely better than raiders.
My favorite playthrough is no faction. They’re all corrupt in different ways and I’m the the motherfucking “Mailman” who is subject to none! My chip, my bot army, my strip. Will it last? No. But that’s not the point.
do a real courier run, deliver the platinum chip and then never adventure again, just sit at the bar in one of the casinos for the rest of time
Insanity mode: Using only the gear you start out with. Ammo/health/chem pickups allowed. High Charisma to talk your way out of some encounters.
can you put points into speech and barter?
Sure. Good luck talking down a swarm of cazadors, though.
Those folks at the Friendly Lending Company seem like an upstanding bunch.
Please 😳
NCR recreation of the society that ended the fucking world. Terrible choice. Easy Pete only option
World gets blown up
Easy Pete: be careful with explosives
Truly the visionary we need
They hated our prophet, for the did not fully understand
Fallout New Vegas is one of those games that I wish I liked but just don’t. It’s hard to get invested in the story or world with weapons and movement that lifeless (maybe the wrong word, can’t think of a better description. Robotic? Stiff? Like you and your guns are made out of cardboard? You get the idea).
Are there any must-have mods that improve the gameplay that I’m just totally out of the loop on?
Non-reactive would probably be the right word. Personally, I didn’t mind that part.
That said, I think Morrowind is the best Elder Scrolls game, which has zero reactivity. I don’t just think the game is better, I think the combat is better. It’s made easier with Bethesda never having made good combat, but the way Morrowind handles it relies more on character skill rather than player skill, which I think is better. As a fairly good player at most shooters, Fallout player skill gives me too much power, and it allows me to ignore combat skills on the character because I can make up for it. It’s bad RPG design.
The gunplay was clunky when it came out. FO3/NV very much had an “Oblivion with guns” feel to them.
I’ve always primarily used VATS. Unarmed or melee focused builds can also be viable, but the early game is rough.
As for mods, I would recommend a modlist. “Viva New Vegas” is one I’ve played with, currently doing a “Begin Again” playthrough - the latter adds a lot of the nicer features from Fallout 4 and includes Tale of Two Wastelands which combines FO3/NV into a single game, you can travel between each wasteland and bring all your stuff with you.
Ultimately, these games aren’t really an FPS so the shooting will always feel a bit off. The story / dialogue / environmental storytelling are really where it’s at!
No mod will stop the game from feeling like shit but you should look into “Viva New Vegas” which is a complete modding guide that makes it smoother and improves a lot of things without veering too much away from the original experience.
The DLCs are good, with Old World Blues being the best one. I have never completed the original New Vegas campaign though. Maybe give the DLC a go?
I find modding won’t help if you don’t like the core game. I fell into that trap once and have like 100 hours in Skyrim, I don’t like Skyrim.
i had this problem the first couple times i tried playing it. and i also didnt really like the visual tint the game had going. but eventually i think i just got to be like a frog in boiled water where i didnt really mind the visual effects and gun play stuff anymore. i also think the hbomberguy video was helpful in motivating me to commit more to giving the game a proper chance, but idk it might’ve just been that i played it at the right time.
but at the end of the day, it’s fine if the game isn’t for you. i think it’s a fun game and all, but it does have some short comings and (visually) it hasn’t aged that well. and who knows, maybe the game will resonate more if you try it again at a different stage of your life.
It’s hard to get invested in the story or world with weapons and movement that lifeless
Bro it’s literally something we all missed in Fallout 4, items durability.
Are there any must-have mods that improve the gameplay that I’m just totally out of the loop on?
Most important thing is the FalloutNV patcher. It fix most of issues with the game.
Fallout 3 had a better story and world. Fight me.
it would be wrong of me to fight a child
The premise of your argument is so weak, a stiff breeze will knock you out before I raise a hand.
new vegas and fo4 have the same story and endings. except one is actually fun to play and the other is a boring desert with terrible voice acting to boot with its exposition dump npcs
just playing, i love new vegas, but i love stirring the new vegas pot more😂
What the fuck are you talking about Jesse
I’ve had worse dates
Tell me more
Ok but what’s the background sauce tho
Since I’m not particularly sure the mods will be particularly happy about people posting links to hentai in the comments of a post than hasn’t been marked as 18+, I’ll message you the barbeque sauce
Should be fine as long as it’s just a link clearly marked NSFW rather than uncensored images or anything like that 🤷
Me too man, I need more material for my goon room
Me too pls
So long as we can cuddle while doing it 🥺
My favorite faction is probably the Disciples of Apocalypse, they aim to make a better world by puting their knowledge at the service of the people, they also help sick and wounded people for nothing in exchange.
Yes please, may i have another
I thought the Netflix part was just an excuse, a brand-safe justification for getting the
victiminvitee into the house. On those occasions Netflix it not a lie, it’s used to show a b-grade movie everyone has seen that won’t distract from making out and getting totally railed.Harris, is that you?
Can I just talk about how funny Fantastic is? 😟
Only if we discuss the inherit criticism of heirarchy he represents
I actually discuss those topics within the framework of video games. Could be any title.