Colorado’s Democratic-controlled House on Sunday passed a bill that would ban the sale and transfer of semiautomatic firearms, a major step for the legislation after roughly the same bill was swiftly killed by Democrats last year.

The bill, which passed on a 35-27 vote, is now on its way to the Democratic-led state Senate. If it passes there, it could bring Colorado in line with 10 other states — including California, New York and Illinois — that have prohibitions on semiautomatic guns.

But even in a state plagued by some of the nation’s worst mass shootings, such legislation faces headwinds.

Colorado’s political history is purple, shifting blue only recently. The bill’s chances of success in the state Senate are lower than they were in the House, where Democrats have a 46-19 majority and a bigger far-left flank. Gov. Jared Polis, also a Democrat, has indicated his wariness over such a ban.

    11 months ago

    It doesn’t say you get any firearm

    It says shall not be infringed which means what it says. There is no prescription for what is allowed but instead the opposite. The government cannot and should not prevent the population from arming itself. If people think that’s disagreeable then they should amend the constitution not defy it.

    The constitution was written by people who had just overthrown a government. This amendment wasn’t written to protect the rights of hunters. It’s specifically to enable the people to take control if the government gets out hand.

    Also, which militia are you a member of, specifically?

    Do you think the US would allow a militia to exist when it’s entire purpose is to be a check on government power?

      11 months ago

      That’s a completely inane interpretation and you know it. It doesn’t say Firearms, it says Arms. When that shit was written the ruling government was seizing rifles sure, but more importantly cannon, gunpowder, and shot.

      As much as I believe I should personally be allowed to own whatever the fuck I want, you currently can not own artillery, tanks, or jets unless they’ve been demilitarized. You also can’t buy 155mm shells, TOW missiles, Javelins, SMAWs, or AT4s. For fucks sake you can’t own something as simple as an automatic weapon without buying one built or imported prior to 1984, jumping through a ton of hoops, and giving up your right to unreasonable search by allowing the ATF warrantless access to your home whenever they feel like it.

      You obviously don’t like it, but the fact remains that there is substantial precedent for the restriction of an individuals access to various types of arms being Constitutional.

      Also bro the militias are literally the State Guard units that are under the command of each state Governor. If you want to talk about to coalescence of Federal control and the erosion of state autonomy via the integration of command over State Guard militias into the command structure of the National Guard and ultimately the Federal DoD over the past 20+ years of GWOT that’s one thing, but regulated militias definitely exist bro.

    • Sippy
      11 months ago

      The amendment specifically states that it’s there to aid the common defense.

      You really aught to read the entire amendment.

    • Sippy
      11 months ago

      Also the idea that the founding fathers wrote down the bill of rights, still battle weary with fear of future governments is completely false.

      The bill of rights was written ten years after the war had been settled, with a significant faction of the founders worried about another revolution.

      They had just come out of the Articles of Confederation, a government that had no authority to tax or raise an army. The second amendment was written to address specifically that issue. That we need a militia to defend the country since we really can’t do it any other way, and don’t want to. So might as well let farmers have guns, much to the dismay of the federalists.