An increasing number of Americans want Joe Biden to encourage Israel to stop military actions in Gaza; and Mr. Biden’s handling of the situation is now down to its lowest levels yet.
In the poll, conducted before Iran’s drone and missile attack on Israel, there wasn’t much clamor among the U.S. public for U.S. military action against Iran, were Iran to strike Israel. More would instead have the U.S. support Israel’s next actions.
You don’t lie? Your mod log of removed posts because of misinformation shows otherwise-
Unless you have redefined what misinformation means.
You mean when I posted links debunking fake israeli rape Hasbara from the NYT that turned out to be completely false but the mods didn’t like non Western sources debunking israeli propaganda?
Turns out I was very much correct on that one.
ROFL! I knew you’d come back accusing mod bias. Hilarious!
ROFL really dodged that one. Don’t address that I was right. Just quickly pivot.
You’re not right. And that’s why your shit was removed. You spread misinformation a lot. This isn’t an opinion, this is backed up by the mod logs.
And if you have to accuse people of bias just to defend your point, you might want to rethink your point, because a good point regardless of biases- that can be validated with facts, generally won’t be removed.
If you want to test this theory. Go ahead share an unpopular but true article and note how it will not be removed. And if you’re lazy, just note how many others have shared that still remain.
You’re just wrong man. You need to accept that. Reevaluate things and approach it from a more nuanced position. Because this militant bullshit isn’t cutting it with a lot of people anymore it seems.
No I was right the UN report confirmed that NYT lied about the fake rape stories.
You defending israel in every thread doesn’t add to your credibility.
They also confirmed rapes, just in case anyone sees that as exoneration.
They did not. The UN report actually confirmed that multiple claims made in the NYT article were falsified. Need I remind you that NYT did not just claim there was a single rape (and we don’t have evidence for even ONE) but claimed that Hamas used systematic rape as a weapon of war. A claim we now know is a blatant lie.
The UN report stated that there were only testimonies and no evidence for any rape happening. And that a forensic investigation would be necessary to conclude if any rape happened as the UN team sent did not have an investigatory mandate.
Israel is still blocking the UN forensic team to collect evidence to this day (the UN team asked to investigate shortly after oct7)
For more information Normal Finkelstein wrote a good article about it:
Pramilla Patten’s rape fantaties
Many bodies along Road 232 also suffered destructive burn damage and conclusions as to conflict-related sexual violence (including genital mutilation) related to these incidents could not be drawn. The mission team was also able to ascertain that multiple bodies of women and a few men were found totally or partially naked or with their clothes torn, including some bound and/or attached to structures, which – though circumstantial – may be indicative of some forms of sexual violence.
All of that from the UN Report.
The Patten mission debunks the narrative of atrocity propaganda such as the stabbing of pregnant women. It also clearly states, that rapes occured. At multiple locations.
ROFL! I’ve never once defended Israel. Not once. And you have zero evidence to offer otherwise. So this just illustrates my point on how you love spreading misinformation and manufactured bullshit.
You create a narrative in your head and you roll with it. And now, your need to make shit up about me is only serving to validate my point.
And don’t think we don’t know you’re using alt accounts to upvote yourself.