three days (so far) in a 5% salt brine with beets, garlic, jalapeño and carrot.
These are firm/ever so slightly rubbery with a nice little bit of beet and garlic flavor
I wanted to try for 2 weeks but I can’t stop eating them I’m down 1/4 on day 3.
after a day it looked like I was hatching aliens
I like a very soft yolk, would cook these 2 more minutes if anyone else was going to eat any of these.
Ok, so boiled first, then… does that count as pickled? Or maybe that’s a lower salt ratio than pickling so it can ferment?
I’m surprised that looks so appetizing. Coloring can change expectation of flavor (so I’m not a fan of Halloween colored food), but this is beautiful use of natural coloring with beets.
pickled is when you add acid to your brine (usually vinegar), fermented is when you make your own acid, lactobacillus in this case.
as a kid my grandma ran a bar and they served purple pickled eggs in a big jar on the bar and I loved them. The color is so nice!
I bought the glass vessel to recreate these pickled eggs and have recently got into fermenting so this is my first attempt to make them this way.
much darker now:
Do you have to clean it out after every “batch”? Or can you utilize the past brine to make more?
When i make hot sauce I use everything up and sterilize. This is my first batch of eggs but i don’t plan to save any of this brine if I make another batch I’m still playing with flavors.
I have a ginger bug going and i think you keep that going indefinitely like a sourdough starter but it’s my first one so i really dunno yet!
Ah cool. That sounds like fun, I’ll have to read more into fermentation that way.
Not sure why but they remind me of flowers lmao