• OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    PBS, NPR, American Bar Association, etc are not what I would call right wing propaganda, but I guess it’s relative. If I understand correctly though, your stance is that Mueller was simply getting the information out there for others to act on if they chose to. In that case, why have they not acted? My impression from legal summaries, including from the American bar association, is that they are not pursuing it because the Mueller report couldn’t find enough evidence to build a case. I trust their assessment and summary of the report more than what I can get out of reading it myself in it’s entirety.

    So what really happened? Nobody knows for sure and there is not enough evidence to do anything about it. It’s a non-topic.

    How long until he gets jail time? How many continuous years of lawsuits and investigations before they get him? Is the system really that broken that he keeps getting away with it or are the charges simply weak to begin with? Tbh I don’t really know, but I have serious Trump fatigue.

    • magnusrufus@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      I think that an honest assessment of Trump’s handling by the legal system shows that there is plenty to go after him for and that he has been given far too much leeway. The system is broken in the sense that it relies on being populated by good faith actors instead of loyalists to a demagogue.

      I think that the motivation and the handling was different but I wonder if you feel that the decades a legal pursuit of the Clinton’s similarly shows that it was unfounded?

      I think they didn’t take action against Trump because of a combination of cowardice, party loyalty, and overt obstruction from prominent Republican leadership.

      • OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
        11 months ago

        I think it’s the same as for the Clintons or Biden. There are probably shady things that they did, but we will never actually know or be able to prove anything. Their enemies certainly tried hard enough without success. Going after them was a political move for them as much as it is/was for Trump, and if you can’t prove anything over years of investigation and legal actions then you need to let it go, even if you believe that they are probably guilty.

        Just to reiterate, I personally think Trump easily could have colluded with Russians in their interference. I believe that he would do it if he knew he could get away with it, and maybe he did. but apparently nothing can be proven (“insufficient evidence” and all that) so we need to drop it and move on, effectively assuming innocence.

        • magnusrufus@lemmy.world
          11 months ago

          I disagree with the need to drop it and move on part. Conservatives thrive on that. They lie and deny until fatigue sets in and then are never held accountable. Then when we’ve all moved on they either rewrite history as needed or just act like nothing ever happened. Not dropping it makes their pattern of lies more obvious.

          • OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
            11 months ago

            But that just turns the legal system into a weapon for driving public sentiment, another political tool instead of a means to bring justice to criminals. If it never leads to a conviction, at some point you should wonder why. Also you are giving too much credit/blame to conservatives. That might be true if they were always in power, but the they aren’t, and haven’t been. So why do the Democrats keep letting them get away with it?

            • magnusrufus@lemmy.world
              11 months ago

              Dropping it and moving on is letting them get away with it. Democrats try but the balance between Democrats and Republicans had been too close with a few notable Democrats reliably acting in lockstep with Republicans at critical moments. It is not giving too much blame or credit to conservatives. If you’ve been paying attention at all during the last 40 years it’s what they’ve been doing.

              • OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
                11 months ago

                That’s a little too vague and conspiratorial for my liking, and it’s hard for me to give it too much credibility.

                • magnusrufus@lemmy.world
                  11 months ago

                  That’s fine but your take is a little too much head in the sand for me. Ignoring their decades long pattern of behavior and insisting on moving on from the things that expose them or attempt to hold them accountable is exactly what they want.

                  • OccamsRazer@lemmy.world
                    11 months ago

                    If you mean all politicians, then I agree with you. It’s a little naive to think that good and evil is separated along party lines.