There’s no brick imprint on that forehead
I think it’s a burn from an iron
Daniel Stern
Wrong, It’s Marv
Well, what about you Google a picture of Daniel Stern
Man google really sucks these days… I looked up Daniel Stern and it just keeps showing me pictures of Marv from Home Alone.
Home Alone’s SEO game on point.
It’s the silver tuna, Marv
It’s more the hair than the forehead for me.
My first thought was Richard Simmons. I have no clue who this is.
Me too!
Sometimes things just work out
Apparently, it’s true. You can’t.
Mel Gibson?
“HEY Marv”
I know who it is.
It’s aliens.
Giorgio tsoukasomething
Aliens is the answer tho
Home alone I think. Either that or the “Aliens” guy.
Daniel Stern
Home alone guy?
Looks like one of the wet bandits
It’s aliens, isn’t it?
Richard Simmons or Pauly Shore, I can’t quite tell
Richard Simmons.
I said gene simmons in my head but i was thinking of richard simmons. Thanks for posting this before i did so that i didnt make a complete fool of myself.
Thanks for saving me from myself
It’s definitely Marv and I think from Home Alone 2 when Kevin frames him for grabbing ass and the woman turns around and he says"Well hello," and she slaps him.