Polenko’s last words were…


Okay, okay, sorry.

A tourist fell more than 170 feet to her death when she stumbled while taking a selfie from a clifftop viewing platform, the latest in a string of such incidents.

39-year-old Inessa Polenko plunged from the panoramic Gagry viewing point in Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia as she tried to take a photo of herself.

Polenko, who was a beautician and a keen Instagram user, climbed over a barrier to reach the clifftop viewing point which overlooks the Black Sea. However, as she climbed over the barrier to take a selfie, Polenko stumbled and fell onto a beach below, according to eyewitnesses.

Not to be callous (I guess it’s too late for that) but isn’t this and the above-linked tragic incidents the very definition of “culling the herd”?


  • voracitude@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    It’s not my language, but it’s also not needlessly gendered. Unless you’re gonna contend that society in general hasn’t historically been run by men? Since that is the direct and exact reason it is called the thing it is.

    And if the name of a thing is enough reason for you to turn on your fellow man, then your support isn’t anything more than “would-be” regardless.