Polenko’s last words were…
Okay, okay, sorry.
A tourist fell more than 170 feet to her death when she stumbled while taking a selfie from a clifftop viewing platform, the latest in a string of such incidents.
39-year-old Inessa Polenko plunged from the panoramic Gagry viewing point in Abkhazia, a breakaway region of Georgia as she tried to take a photo of herself.
Polenko, who was a beautician and a keen Instagram user, climbed over a barrier to reach the clifftop viewing point which overlooks the Black Sea. However, as she climbed over the barrier to take a selfie, Polenko stumbled and fell onto a beach below, according to eyewitnesses.
Not to be callous (I guess it’s too late for that) but isn’t this and the above-linked tragic incidents the very definition of “culling the herd”?
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Deadliest hiking trail in Virginia is Crabtree Falls, and every single death was someone climbing over the barrier and ignoring the “you will die if you pass this point” signs to take a picture closer to the falls. Every year some dumbass jumps the barrier, slips on lichen and dies. Natural selection I guess?
Poor people who have to constantly clean that up…
They replace the signs and make the barrier higher every other year. Surprised it’s not an 8 foot barbed wire fence by now.
Idiots would just die getting shredded by the barb wire and the janitors would have to pull their chunks out.
You can’t say they weren’t warned. Draw your own conclusions.
It’s aptly named then, “Crabtree Falls”.
Decent pun but I can’t say I’m lichen it.