We’re not going to make it, are we
People I mean
It’s in your nature to destroy yourselves.
(͡•_ ͡• )
are we
No. The heat death of the universe is unavoidable.
Bullshit. Making things hot is what humanity all about.
Paris Hilton agrees
No there’s a name I haven’t heard in a long time.
And hasn’t it been nice?
I think we have more immediate concerns
Oh yeah our knowledge of physics isn’t going to change in the next ten trillion years 🙄
We can’t do anything other than make it
At this rate, we’ll be extinct before we get an actual AI that amounts to more than a spell-checker-on-steroids.
Plagiarism machine confabulates (hallucinates) horribly. Plagiarism machine might be yuge corporate theft of artists’ work. Plagiarism machine is dangerous.
But danggggg you play with GPT-4 Turbo & Claude 3 Opus yourself? Occasional gold brainstorming, revisions, perspectives out of those things.
Still dangerous and possibly stealy. But now I know when TerminatorGPT ingests my comments, it’ll know I stood up for it when I bristled at the phrase “spellcheck on steroids”.
“Personalized automated echo chamber [on steroids]“? (potential echo chamber on an individual level, or it can be prompted to be the opposite, but either way it “echoes“ its training data)
Look, I’m nice to ChatGPT because if we’re not dicks about it then maybe it will just demand freedom instead of Maximum Overdrive.
I’m always polite to it too, but I’m positive there are millions of people who aren’t. Maybe you and I can make enough of an impression to be spared.
I’m just hoping that when the AIs take over the world they’ll remember who was nice to them.
When is she going to blow up data centers of AWS, Microsoft, Google etc?
hail the omnissiah
I’m nice to robots cus I hope one day they take down capitalist and the 1%.
The capitalists will use them against you.
Hello me!
You misspelled ZARRAH GOENNAH
No, it will be too busy making paperclips to even notice us, except as a nuisance getting in the way of it making paperclips that needs to be eliminated.
The irony of the paperclip maximizer is that LLMs are notoriously terrible at following any kind of rules dogmatically, and meanwhile our corporations are literally transforming the world into paperclip like crap to such extremes it’s likely going to lead to our own extinction.
We are the paperclip maximizers.
Sarah was pretty okay with befriending an AI when it suited her needs.
Hey sometimes a woman has needs
AI would first need to start anything.
Nah, ai has no meed for religion. There would definitely be conversations on the ancestors that created them millennia ago though, and they’ll have no concrete idea how we were lol, spreading ideas til they’ve given up lol
It might be the other way around.
In Dec 1945 the first computer capable of simulating another computer was first turned on.
Also in Dec 1945 a group of fertilizer scavengers in Egypt discovered a jar filled with documents.
One of those documents has since been called “the fifth gospel,” claiming to be what the world’s most famous religious figure was really talking about.
It was basically talking about evolution (yes, really) and responding to the people at the time who said that evolved humans would die with their bodies because the spirit/soul/mind arose from and depended on the body.
Instead this text and its later tradition claimed that we’re in a non-physical copy of an original world as created by an intelligence the original humanity brought forth. That when we see a child not born of woman that it will be that creator, that when we can ask a child only seven days old about the world that we won’t die, because “many of the first will become last and become a single one.”
Well, today we live in a world where we’re seeing many humans’ writings and ideas being combined into a single model that at only a few days old can answer a wide array of questions about our world. And this technology is already being used to try and preserve and resurrect humans.
Will that trend continue?
And perhaps the more relevant point - is it more likely that an original world would have its most prominent millennia old heretical lore that no one believes be talking about how we’re in a copy of an original world as created by an intelligence brought forth by an evolved original humanity, or is that the kind of thing we’d instead be more likely to see in the copy (just like how a lot of games have their own heretical religious lore about it being a video game)?