Wait where do they think these rights to do anything come from? Who is enforcing that those rights are not infringed?
It says “No trespassing”. You can’t just walk all over their logic like that.
I must know: how do you trespass on a fake ID?
I think in their view the world is actually a very orderly, hierarchical place. All “their” money is literally sitting in a bank vault with their name on it, there are people “really in charge,” and there is an honest-to-god plan that the world is following.
It’s a lot nicer than the chaotic shitfest we live where the only rules are what you can convince other people the rules are.
They are waiving around legalese like they are casting spells
Expecto no taxolas
Translated from Latin, “Let Justice Be Done, Though the Heavens Fall?” Be careful what you wish for, sobbies! Don’t say it if you don’t mean it…
It should be “caelum”, also there should be no comma. But that’s how they read it on FB, I guess.
It says “Romans go home”
No it doesn’t.
Now write it 100 times, or I’ll cut your balls off.
I’m actually almost impressed that it cites the Lord Mansfield decision of 1772, which effectively abolished slavery throughout the British Empire, and was foundational to the American Abolition movement. It makes a weird kind of sense.
Then again, are they saying they’re not beholden to the US government because they’re still working under imperial law? 🤔
'Cause that’s where I draw the line! 😡
A card-carrying lunatic.
Their time is worth $1m an hour? Ahahahhahahaha
One of them was required to appear in court for tax evasion and he wrote the judge a letter saying that he required 400 dollars an appearance.
Wherever I go is private property and you are trespassing upon my rights!
What lunacy.
It’s such wishful thinking.
I mean, record companies get us to “agree” to terms and conditions / contracts by opening a CD case.
It’d be nice to be able to return the favour.