Was it Matt Gaetz again?
This is just political theater to make it seem like the Governor is doing something. Colombia, and much of Latin America, has a much larger issue being extremely wealthy countries with vastly poor populations.
These countries are being kept this way purposely so that they can be exploited by much wealthier nations(US, Spain, France, Netherlands, India). This breeds a culture of self regulation and minimal government intervention, riddled with corruption and a populace left to their own devices.
Prostitution in the touristic areas hasn’t been stopped at all, just pushed a little underground while the cops look the other way, because they are also customers.
Fixing this problem requires something that won’t occur in our lifetimes. Which is unfortunate as Colombia is one of the most beautiful and magical places on earth. Antioquia specifically is such an amazing place and the Paisa people are so unique and kind. Really beautiful when isolated cultures can survive this long.
I agree on this type of declarations being pure theater.
Which isolated culture do you refer to?
The Paisa people were isolated in the Andes mountains for a long time as it was difficult for the Spanish to access when it was part of Gran Colombia. The culture around Medellin and the coffee triangle is different the rest of country and kind of similar to the Southern hospitality in the US. Everyone is so willing to talk to you and invite you to gatherings even if you’re a stranger.
They are no longer isolated but their culture persists. I just hope all the tourism doesn’t spoil it.
I would not call a region with a capital city that was founded in the 16 hundreds isolated.
Colombia, and the region you refer to, is mostly mestizo, a mix of indigenous and Spanish descendents. Which makes me think we are differing in which way to take isolation.
Isolation from the Spanish during the period of la Gran Colombia is another head scratcher. What do you mean?
There are communities that were long isolated and so, preserved (Palenques and tribes in the Amazon are clear examples).
Is the culture from Antioquia different from the country? Partially, yes, as any region in a big, diverse country is. Were they isolated? I would say no.
I would not call a region with a capital city that was founded in the 16 hundreds isolated.
Are you talking about the current capital of Medellin (founded 1717) or the original capital Santa Fe de Antioquia (founded 1541). Santa Fe sits on the Cauca river which was the only way the Spanish were able to make it that far into the mountains. It would take them months to travel to places like Medellin, which is why it was isolated.
Mestizo is just the spanish word for mixed person and fits all of Latin America as there are very few indigenous groups left.
I am using isolation in the standard meaning. To mean separated. I do not mean uncontacted. Sure uncontacted tribes are isolated, but so where the Paisas. What you may be missing is people didn’t just take a day trip into this region. The Spanish empire sent groups of people with the wealth and resources of a nation state, forcibly using indigenous slave labor to travel deep into the Andes. Once they arrived, it was rare that people left.
The only way to get close was to use the rivers with human powered boats. Then you had to use established trails or cut through extremely dense dangerous forest. This kind of work took years to accomplish and was the result of generations of people slowly building up a colonized society at the will of the Spanish Monarchy. This is why most of the larger towns and cities in south weren’t established until the 19th century.
From wikipedia about the Paisas: The Paisas have been considered a genetically isolated population according to scientific studies.
From wikipedia about Antioquia: Due to its geographical isolation, being located among mountains, Antioquia suffered supply problems. Its topography did not allow for much agriculture, so the city became dependent upon trade, especially of gold and gin for the colonization of new land.
I was in Medellin and Jericó two weeks ago. The isolation is talked about in the museums and is well established fact. I just mean separated not unreachable.
Fixing this problem requires something that won’t occur in our lifetimes.
Hard, sad truths.
It tracks that he went back to Florida.
It was matt gaetz wasn’t it
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I always find not travelling to regions known for sex tourism then being caught in a hotel room with 11 & 12 year old children really helps to maintain my reputation of not being a paedophile.
But you do you.
But that sort of thing should be dealt with by the law, not by internet vigilantism.
Yes. Innocent until proven guilty in a court of law is a fundamental principle for good reason. For example, we don’t actually know if anything of what we’ve read about him is actually true.
How was this guy dealt with by internet vigilantes?
He was arrested by the local authorities then bolted from the country once released on bail.
It is not uncustomary for authorities to release names of those arrested.
Do you want everywhere to change their processes so that your paedophile friends can remain in the shadows?
Then what would you call this:
An image of his passport, including his data and photo, has been posted to social media after details of his case came to light.
And yes, obviously everybody who thinks people have a right to due process must be a pedophile.
There is no due process because he fled the country.
Some countries have laws against committing crimes abroad so they can still be charged at home for this reason, I’m not sure about the US though.
Which is especially indicative of their personal qualities in the light of the fact that if he really is a pedophile, proving it won’t be hard.
Sweet lord the Brazilian tourists are out in force on this thread.
They found him in a hotel known for sex workers, in a district known for sex work, with an 11 and 12 year old girl.
What was he doing, tutoring them?
He fled the country to escape consequences and I think we’re all safer knowing his name and face.
I think you’re replying to the wrong person!
The fact the guy was caught prior to abusing these kids, arrested and now has “his card marked” is great
No I meant the psychos downvoting you.
My hopes are low, let’s put it like that
But they were also pretty low for Robert Murat, so, I don’t like media vigilantism anymore.
Not really comparable between the media feeding frenzy surrounding the McCann disappearance and a US sex tourist being caught in a hotel with 2 children.
I just picked the first one when you google “media ruined life”
It’s a matter of principle
There’s hundreds of examples, pick your favorite
Again, not really comparable.
He is not someone like the guy framed by all the Reddit imbecilic sluths after the Boston marathon bombings, nor is he like Christopher Jefferies, accused by the media of murdering one of his tenants, just because he’s a bit eccentric.
The guy was caught in a hotel room with children in an area known for sex tourism & he chose to bolt the country after his arrest.
It’s not like it’s an farcical comedy where a series of events transpired and his trousers fell down just as the police entered the room.
If you don’t want your name released after being arrested in a hotel with local children entirely unrelated to you, then maybe don’t invite local children up to your hotel and be getting arrested.
Like I said previously, I find it incredibly fucking easy not to be a child raping paedophile. It’s so easy that very little thought goes into it so I don’t have to deal with the consequences of even it being inferred despite no evidence of any crime having taken place.
So much so that I have zero fucking empathy for anyone that is.
Not comparable
It’s a matter of principle, pick any of hundreds of examples if you want a comparison
Again, not comparable
Some people
I’m not the one defending paedophiles.
Do you realize how certain one has to be to accuse a person of such a crime?
Would you want to live in a world where 1 of 100 considered guilty is innocent?
Would you feel the same way if you’d be that?
Do you realize how probabilities work?
If something has a 1 in a 1000 probability, then from time to time it happens.
And then the final question - do you consider it too much of a bother to go through investigative process with civilized legal proceedings to confirm what is true and reduce the probability of a mistake?
“Blah blah blah I’m defending paedophiles”
That’s what your wall of text is saying.
A 3% probability of this being innocent would be too big to discard.
People seem too comfortable with huge margins of error when judging others.
The man, who has been identified as [full name]
Do you mean known pedophile Timothy Alan Livingston of Fort Lauderdale, FL? The one depicted in this photo of a passport? Is that the guy we’re talking about here?
Just clarifying.
Further clarification: while he fled from Columbia to Fort Lauderdale, FL, the known pedophile Timothy Alan Livingston actually lives in Cleveland, Ohio.
He took two 12- and 13-year-old girls into his hotel room located in an area known for sex tourism so he could talk with them about how dangerous it is to go into hotel rooms with strangers, he totally wasn’t going to do anything else, he swears.
Or perhaps he was framed? Or extorted by the guy who reported it? Or, he’s just a pedophile. Probably the latter
That’s why we rely on courts and allow people to defend their side of a story
The events began on the night of March 27th at around nine o’clock, when Livingston attempted to enter his room at the Gotham City Hotel in Medellin with what appeared to be two underage girls. A hotel staff member prevented their entry, so Livingston and the girls left the hotel located in the famous ‘El Poblado’ district.
Hours later, around four o’clock in the morning on March 28th, with no security checks at the establishment’s entrance, the American managed to enter his room with two different underage girls aged 12 and 13, as evidenced by security camera footage.
Following an anonymous call to the national police, the authorities arrived at the hotel and inspected the premises but found no evidence of the accused touching the minors, and both girls denied being touched. The 36-year-old suspect was detained for 12 hours at a Protection Transfer Center (CTP) but was released hours later, allowing him to return to his country on Monday, March 29th. The girls were seen by security cameras leaving the hotel calmly, seemingly counting several Colombian 50,000-peso bills.
Did someone frame him into twice bringing underaged girls to his hotel room in an area known for sex trafficking, including putting used condoms in his wastebasket? Or do you think it’s the far simpler explanation that he is a pedophile who was caught in the act?
You do not, in fact, need to run defense for pedophiles.
Not in my Gotham City
He was always probably a pedophile, we’ve read the same article
You still can’t let mobs do the justice
we’ve read the same article
I don’t think we have, because if you did, you would have read that Columbia has issued an arrest warrant for this man. So no, it is not mob justice when people spread the name of the pedophile Timothy Alan Livingston of Cleveland, Ohio, who has a Colombian arrest warrant issued for him because he, over the course of one night, attempted to bring at least four different underage girls into his hotel room in an attempt to have sex with them.
You keep defending this pedophile and it’s creepy as fuck. Reconsider the decisions you’ve made that have brought you to this point in your life.
The arrest warrant and the 2 additional children were not in the original article
Honestly if there’s an arrest warrant and the dude fled it gets harder to defend a burden of proof that’s hanging on a system that he manages to evade, though we’ve seen people genuinely just going back home and getting a warrant after but let’s put that aside.
On one hand i appreciate the deterrent that publishing his name is to other sex tourists, but on the other if he gets beaten to death because of it, or worse, some guy with the same name - I’m not fond of that either.
All that while honestly there’s already systems in place for fleeting criminals, not sure there’s much benefits feeding his real name to the mob in a very well referenced newspaper.
I’m glad someone is finally brave enough to say it, the persecution of pedophiles has gone too far
lmao average Arch Linux user
I’ve never used archlinux
People who use arch don’t come here they roll their own instance
Iusearch.fyi is speedy and blocks no other instance except the pedo ones so it’s the best if you want a self-defined experience on the fediverse without rolling your own lemmy docker
I love how you went on a little nerd tangent about containers instead of addressing the fact you’re defending a pedo
There’s not much more to say, I just don’t believe in mob justice. If they’re not convinced back there 10 posts ago they won’t be now
“Don’t do justice yourself” was never a popular proposition
I’ve also said that slightly below, so.
Are we supposed to make assumptions about you for being on hexbear?
Of course, it’s an instance filled with far left communists who regularly discuss communism and mods ban people who comment liberal and reactionary views
This is like the second terrible take I’ve seen from the iusearchlinux.fyi instance in a span of minutes holy shit.
What about the pedophiles story? where he had two young girls who were not his wards in a hotel room for some innocent reason
Maybe giving out his full name without him being caught doing anything illegal nor contacting him to get his version of the story is a little fucked up
No, he was caught in a hotel room with a 12 year old and 13 year old girl. I hope that, whatever you’re imagining might happen to him as a result of this, something twice as bad happens to him every day for the rest of his (hopefully short) life
The only punishment he should get is a few years behind bars, and his fellow inmates knowing why he’s in there.
They’ll take care of the rest.
Their stated goal is to stop sex tourists. Releasing the names of the ones they find seems an efficient way to do so.
We all know what he was doing, the comment is saying let the law charge him before the public just brands him.
Oh I think they were sure, just interrupted him 20 minutes early.
This is the shit pedophiles say… he was in a hotel room with two little girls. What the fuck you think he was gonna do? Play fucking tea?
Defending pedophiles is some cringe shit my dude and It says a lot about you.
nope, that’s called due process under the rule of law. Innocent until proven guilty. His guilt doesn’t seem to have been established beyond reasonable doubt, if I understand correctly.
Now, if the police had turned up damning evidence, he would not have been sent home, but sentenced. And hopefully been put in jail for a very long time.
Where are his passport details on social media? Might as well know about Floridapedo here.
I knew I was gonna find someone defending this guy in the comments.
I’m sure he was just helping pay their tuition before feeding some homeless people.
No matter what he did, releasing his full name is wrong. Even if he was found in the act the name should never be released
Caught it the act? Yeah post his shit, hell string him up. That’s just like a normal way to treat pedophiles. Not caught in the act, yeah thats where it becomes questionable, even if someone is like 90% sure thats what happened, what about the small chance hes innocent. Due process for sure. But definitely dont let him go. The fact they let him off seems questionable, did they really know? Or does someone want to come down hard on sex workers and used some random dude for this.
I never said “no matter what he did”
If convicted I don’t care
Nah. Expose chomos.
And the people who defend them anonymously online.
Yeah I want the name of every single techbro peckerwood in this comment section trying to defend this pedo
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At a press conference, Mayor Federico Gutiérrez said that he would be signing two decrees: one, prohibiting sex work in the area of Medellín for six months, and another, the enforcement of a 1 a.m. closing time for bars in the area for a month.
So now people will not be able to make a living because of this scumbag. Were I a sex-worker in the area, I’d be pretty pissed off. I don’t know a better way to address this, I’m just saying that this is why we can’t have nice things.
This doesn’t even address the problem. Literally doing nothing is a better solution than the one implemented.
A far better solution would be to get the sex workers to help with finding and stopping paedophiles & the pimps who support this horrific shit
Get the police to worth with, not against, sex workers.
I’d bet anything that sex workers would be able to help identify and track down under-age prostitution.
I hadn’t actually considered this. I think you’re probably right.
Politicians are such fucking idiots. “We’ve got a pedophile problem” “Close the bars at 1 am, and make prostitution extra illegal”
what does shutting down sex work and bars do unless children are at bars & doing sex work??? classic carceral thinking, making whatever processes/institutions that enabled this more oblique and underground than transparent
These people are the scum of the earth and fucking disgusting to look at too. And before someone gets my ass on body shaming, actually come down to Latin America and observe the kiddy diddlers. None of them are attractive.
All the attractive foreign men who can easily get any woman they want either hire expensive escorts or use Tinder.
The plan itself is a ridiculous one and only looks to be an iron fist approach to something that isn’t going to be solved through aggressive measures like this.
Trying to say that pedophiles are all explicitly unattractive is actually a terrible idea. Just like any other crime, body type has absolutely nothing to do with it. And pretending it does just makes it easier for attractive offenders to fly under the radar.
Passport Bros are a disgrace to human race.
I was confused by reading it “after US citizen found with two girls at a hotel”.
I think I was thinking about adult tiny woman. But now I realise where the problem is.
Ban all crackers instead, bound to be more helpful than whatever the fuck this current plan is
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It’s always you fuckin aussies pearl clutching over the word “cracker” please shut your convict settler ass up til you cede the Aboriginals their land back
But only white racism is OK and only white people are pedos!
Haha, that’s a good one
Oh wait you’re serious
Shut up, cracker
Better late than never I guess.
Passport bros?
A term used to describe people who go to foreign countries to hook up, usually to fulfill a ethnicity kink and usually presented as those who can’t pick up local women so usually somewhere prostitution is not really frowned upon
I just want tall blonde passport girls to become a thing
Sex pests are a major export from western nations to the rest of the world, it’s about time this infestation started being addressed.
It would seem there is one thing Americans find sexier than their own family members…