Everywhere online now, every movie, every home video, has been passed through so many filters that people don’t look human any more. Nobody has any lines in their face, their teeth are florescent white, their eyes are filled in and have no veins. Nobody ever looks tired, or natural. Add to the mix the fact that everyone is getting lip implants to look like a blowfish, and I’m just tired of it. I miss seeing real human beings.
The lip implants rarely look good.
Have you considered watching English or Scandinavian shows?
I haven’t. Can you recommend a good one?
QI (if you like Stephen Fry, British humour, and learning random facts). Most of the guests are pretty “normal people” looking. Except when Victoria Coren Mitchell is on. She always look fabulous.
The Gentlemen is pretty good. The movie or the show. Fuck, anything by Guy Ritchie. He’s good at showing the dirty edges of things as well as the pretty.
Eh, didn’t really like it.
Props to Guy for pretty much sticking to the same exact formula for 25 years though.
Snatch, The Man From U.N.C.L.E. and Lock Stock and Two Smoking Barrels are the highlights.
Inside No. 9 is excellent, along the same lines as Black Mirror, but comedy
Peep Show if you’re into humour as dry as sandpaper. It definitely has peopley people.
Taskmaster. Pretty sure it’s all on YouTube.
I liked Plebs, The IT Crowd and Peep Show, all comedy and not too recent.
The IT Crowd is ridiculously good. We’ve watched it all the way through twice. So funny.
The IT Crowd is so good!
Not who you’re asking but watch Forbrydelsen, it’s great and everyone on it is real looking.
Bodies on Netflix. Not great, but entertaining.
Some old ones to add (and some have Hollywood remakes now) BUT:
… Just now realizing I lean heavily toward darker subject matter for foreign movies…
Man, Girl with the Dragon Tattoo was fucking brutal. Not my style of movie at all. To this day I’m still like, “why did I watch that?”
If you like comedy, Ghosts is amazing. The first episode is a bit dark and not very entertaining, but starting with EP 2, it becomes amazing.