Hard to spin this as “admitting” anything, considering this is a widely known fact.
Nah, the western mainstream narrative was that Russia just invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked in February last year.
Lol, wat? Western mainstream sources have been covering the conflict since 2014.
- https://www.reuters.com/article/us-ukraine-crisis-timeline-idUSBREA270PO20140308
- https://www.nbcnews.com/storyline/ukraine-crisis/russias-putin-took-european-states-surprise-ukraine-report-n309406
- https://www.bbc.com/news/world-middle-east-26248275
- https://news.sky.com/story/us-russian-military-firing-into-ukraine-10395472
None of these sources are talking about NATO involvement in Ukraine since 2014, nor acknowledge the role NATO played in creating the conditions for the conflict.
The conflict starting and NATO involvement in it are two separate things. Your post only addressed the former, not the latter. It is no secret for those who have been paying attention that the conflict did not start last year.
What Stoltenburg said is:
And since 2014, NATO Allies have provided support to Ukraine, with training, with equipment, so the Ukrainian Armed Forces were much stronger in 2022, than they were in 2020, and 2014. And of course, that made a huge difference when President Putin decided to attack Ukraine.
This doesn’t seem to contradict any previous statement about NATO’s support for Ukraine that I am aware of.
The pro-NATO fake news admited that NATO allies had intervened in Ukraine in contradiction to their claim that NATO was never involved in the Euromaiden coup. Are they also impliying that Russian intervention had not existed in the 2014 coup contrary to their claim that Russians had tried to stop the coup? Their further contradicted themselves on whether Putin had started the war in 2014 or 2022, so I am not surprised that fake news in NATO countries are not creditable but they should at least not contradict their narrative every year. The narrative on Putin’s side is more consistent about the NATO intervention in the Euromaiden coup, the Kyiv government’s massacre on ethnic minority that justify Putin’s military intervention after 8 years of failed peace talk, the racism towards all Ukrainians who are ethnically Russians that were uninvolved in the conflicts, and the Putin’s success in doing what Putin said he would do (protect rebelling Ukrainian states from Kyiv state terrorism) and not what the NATO said Putin would do (takeover Ukraine).
You’re either missing the point I’m making or intentionally deflecting from it.
The point you are making is that Stoltenburg made some kind of shocking admission, when in fact he did not.
No, the point I’m making is that a lot of people are bleating that Russia invaded Ukraine completely unprovoked last year which is completely at odds with reality. The latest admissions from Stoltenberg is just another piece of evidence that the conflict was going on since the 2014 coup, and that NATO has been deeply involved in it during this whole time. While you are correct that this has been reported on previously, such reporting has completely stopped after Russia got directly involved in the war. Furthermore, people such as Jeffrey Sachs and John Mearsheimer, who point these facts out today have been completely deplatformed by the mainstream media. They now publish articles on substack instead of mainstream papers, and are reduced to giving interviews on youtube channels.