You’re doing God’s work.
Trump is Trump first, last, and only. Never have I personally witnessed such a large group with such dedicated self-delusion.
No shot this guy is 18 he looks like, 30.
He looks like he’s 55 but used a face filter to conceal gin blossoms
What? He looks 85. I doubt he’s real with a name like Dick Strocher, but if that picture is real, I feel bad for the guy.
I resent that, I’m 30 and I look at least half his age
He looks like a ventriloquist dummy
As someone who is about to turn 40, I personally thought he looked more like 59.
If you have to tell people you’re an alpha male, you’re not.
This guy is definitely not.
It has to be a troll account. Richard Strocher? Dick Stroker?
It is
Friends with P. I. Staker
Yes, Mr. Staker, we’ll do everything we can. Can you describe it to me?
It also says “I’m poorly educated”. in the wild, wolf packs are mostly families- a breeding pair and the kids that haven’t left on their own yet.
So the “alpha male” is literally just… dad?
the Alpha/Beta/whatever pecking order thing was established from observations of captive wolves in packs that were forced. it has more in common with the dominance heirarchy of prison culture among humans than it does with wolves being wolves in nature.
The dude who did the study even said it was wrong and a bad study to apply to wolves.
Imagine if an anthropologist said: this is a paper on normal human behavior.
And then the first line is: to get an accurate representation of a population, I went to Rykers Island.
I mean he told you he’s uneducated, what more do you want?
Wildly successful
About to bust out my stellar SAT scores and bag some incredible Trad Wife pussy
In the US, and basically everywhere else, being born into the right family is 95% of what makes someone “wildly successful”, so I’m not sure that’s totally wrong. He just didn’t have to earn it like he should have to.
Ya p much. At 18 isn’t really enough time to really earn success. You have to have been incredibly lucky in one way or another.
Or, more likely on this case, I’d guess moderately successful with help, and on the wrong side of the dunning-kruger to realize what “wild success” even is
By stellar, you mean barely above average SAT score?
Doubt many Trump supporters have high SAT scores
In the mirror universe, in 1952, a young Fred Willard was walking through a chemical plant when he fell into a vat of preservation fluids. Instead of drowning him, the fluids embalmed him alive, making him ageless, immortal… and evil. 72 years later, having mastered the art of crossing between realities, he now stalks our world, neither dead nor alive, seeking carnal pleasures and absolute power. He is… THE ALPHA MALE.
Coming to theatres this fall!
I’ve read worse origination stories. I’d watch this.
The alpha particle radiation male?
Dudes name is Dick Strocher
I saw that. It has to be a satirical account, right?.. Right?
Edit: praise the lawd, it’s fake:
It’s so hard to tell sometimes and that’s the scariest part.
He almost certainly has plenty of Twitter followers who don’t know it’s a joke.
Alpha: unstable and unfit for the general public.
You have to appreciate the honesty
Or a fellon, seeing how the whole alpha wolf BS these guys base themselves on turned out to not exist in nature. That behaviour only exists in captivity.
Maybe by beta release they will add pigment and teeth.
At this point I’m suspecting every single one man who feel the need to write “Alpha Male” in his resumé to be gay with daddy issues.
petition to start saying “alpha males” rather than “young boys”
Most of young boys are fine and innocent.
But I guess that saying « he’s an alpha male » instead of « he has way too many problems to solve before being able to come out » would be funnier and accurate.
He looks like he’s been dead for a week.
The image is shopped, and it’s a fake person anyway, lmao
Do you know for a fact it’s shopped or are you just guessing? I honestly can’t tell from the photo alone if it’s real or not
edit: apparently the account itself is real at least and probably run by a reich-winger: (yes yes not the best source ever, but if it bothers anyone you can go find a better one)
So, wait, his name really IS “Dick Stroker”? 🤔
Just look at the other images of “Richard” on the account and you can see “he” is not nearly that pale.
Might as well call him a doodyhead while you’re at it. So childish.
Found the reich-winger
The fact that none of you doofuses say things like this irl proves that deep down, you know how stupid it really is.
You’re literally no better than the losers who called Obama “Obummmer”. Pathetic.
This childish shit is a virus among the ideologues. At least it makes it easy to identify you guys, though.
Want me to bring you some tissues to clean off those tears, little reich-winger? Maybe some tea?
Do you really not realize that reacting to me by smugly repeating your playground tier insults just reinforces my point?
The irony is I’m probably further left than you, lol. I’m just also an adult who acts like one.
Fake person, fake post, serves only one purpose.
Dude looks like a Ben Shapiro incest baby
He looks like someone kicked a deflated football.
Oh shit, the young Jimmy Carr mannequin at Madame Tussaud’s came alive and is now a real little boy.
On a side note, I couldn’t remember Jimmy Carr’s name, but googling “brittish standup annoying laugh” returned Jimmy Carr in the first result. I wonder what would happen if you googled “ventriloquist dummy turned standup comic most likely to be into snuff porn”
Update: it doesn’t return Jimmy Carr, and don’t google yourself :(
Was number 2 on the result Ricky Gervais?
Nobody is “wildly successful” at 18.
Well I mostly have As on my report card and I could have played lacrosse but I was too busy.
A cryptocock might. A fragile success, but a success nonetheless.
Maybe he got an award for mimicking wild animals.
I bet he has sweet business cards.
Much better than Paul Allens’.
There’s a few very specific fields that peak at or around 18 and the list is basically certain sports, ballet, and sex work. Also this person looks like Edward Cullen but 10 years old.
Wait till you see how many merit badges he’s collected
This was my first thought.
Depends what you call wildly succesful. If you got straight A trough all classes until you’re 18, or you already have your own business and it actually makes money, I would call that wild success
On my 18th birthday, I had a college scholarship, a job in an auto repair shop, a pilot’s license, and I owned a new pickup and a new motorcycle. I had a girlfriend who looked like Joan Jett if she had grown up listening to Green Day instead of AC/DC. And I didn’t look like the tendon sticking out of a chicken tender crossed with a 14th term senator. I was pretty successful for an 18 year old.
a job in an auto repair shop, a pilot’s license, and I owned a new pickup and a new motorcycle
All totally paid for by said job.
They could’ve gotten it from trade school for free, some high schools offer it for no price. I’m 19 years old and I’m making $30/hour working in IT. I didn’t go to tech school for computer networking though, I originally went for auto motive. I got my CompTIA A+ certification, and I also have my own electronics store on eBay where I sell Libreboot computers and other hardware (routers, switches, etc.).
Incels, trying to legislate their way into vajayjay.
So he ain’t real? That’s good, now I don’t have to feel sorry for this guy looking like that.
Fake name, but a real white nationalist running the account and, shockingly, talking about real Secret Jewish Tunnels that he probably wasn’t actually involved with but are hilarious.
How can you be 18 and successful?
Your rich parents die young.
And you secretly dress up as a giant bat and beat up petty criminals to cope with your parents death, only making things worse in the long run.
While endangering a string of orphan boys who you keep dressing up in tight green booty shorts… for reasons.
Yes, very scientific rich people important flexibility reasons you see.
Where can we find this? For reasons…
Clearly you have not tried being born to a billionaire ;)
Clearly not hard enough.
Existing gives you a significant advantage over the guy in the image, though, since he’s literally not a real person, lol
Doesnt change how unreal my billions of dollars are lol.
Successfully graduated high school. He mixed up 1 in a million, with 1 in millions.
I mean if that’s his idea of success, he’s off to a rough start. and LOOOOL
Inherit mommy and daddy’s money
Go to tech school (some high schools offer it for free), get a trade, start up your own business, etc.
Thats still at least a year so youll be older than 18. Checkmate liberal. /s
Learning the difference between “you” and “your” is probably one of the steps, lol
What do you mean? /s
What do your mean, what do my mean? /s
My mean means you means i mean your mean. /s