In a video documenting his experience, Entrepreneur Thomas Remo picked up his £64815.22 ($82,000) electric vehicle (EV) in Irvine, California. Remo’s excitement turned sour when the truck “broke not even six inches off the lot” and “failed another 30 times” throughout the first day.

    11 months ago

    This dude needs to be cited for some tickets since he clearly violates several laws in the video:

    • Reckless driving when he pulls out of the Tesla parking lot onto the highway and floors it. The speed limit is 55MPH and he was doing 57 or 58 when the critical failure happened and he let off the gas, so he probably would have gone way over the speed limit if it weren’t for the vehicle actually having a critical failure (we see indication of this intention below).

    • Excessive speeding; video clearly shows the truck at 107MPH on the freeway on a public road after they “reset” the critical failure

    • Distracted driving: Non-hands-free access of his phone while driving and admitting to almost side-swiping other vehicles due to distractions / unfamiliarity of the vehicle… but lets be honest, he is goofing around more than he should if he doesn’t know how to drive the vehicle safely yet.

    In addition to that… it sucks to pay $82k for a vehicle that breaks so quickly; I’ll never buy a Tesla. I have nothing against drive-by-wire, but I don’t trust Tesla / Elon Musk