“Every previous president would have ended it by now.”

“Biden literally couldn’t do worse.”

  • GBU_28@lemm.ee
    11 months ago

    Ultimately the problem is Biden choices on Palestine are reprehensible. He doesn’t “deserve” to be president again on that alone. If he was running against someone like mitt Romney , he would be in deep shit, and this discussion would be a total nebulous cloud. (Edit I’m not pro mitt, I’m saying Biden only has a chance because trump is insane.)

    Unfortunately, no new candidates are available for this upcoming election.

    Trump has made clear his behavior on topics like Palestine, and there are strong inferences to be made.on his potential actions on Ukraine. This is corroborated by government leaders and experts who are already defensively preparing for trump to come fuck their shit up. So that’s foreign policy.

    Domestically, Biden is not as egregious a troublemaker. There are SERIOUS issues happening today in America, for which a Biden whitehouse should be doing more. But I think we can agree that trump has both demonstrated in the past, and spoken clearly in the future about the ways he would shift domestic issues for the worse.

    So how one votes in the primary is fine, but come the general election, I have not been convinced how abstaining or voting for trump is an appropriate action.

    Trump is either as bad, or worse on every topic of significance, and I personally believe America will be drastically worse off with him as president…both domestically and abroad.

    Lastly, depending on where you live, abstaining from voting in the general can be very impactful, and may even assist a trump election. It is deeply unsatisfying voting for someone you dislike, with the sole purpose of avoiding someone you hate, but it must be acknowledged.