Super Nintendo, it just has the highest amount of high quality games on it. Honestly they are all good when considering first party titles and I could be happy with any of them
Guess I’ll be the first to say Switch
I think the Switch is a wonderful culmination of everything Nintendo had been working on since the Gameboy.
It’s mobile, it has motion controls, a large screen, it can be hooked up to your TV in such a simple way.
All they need to do is update it with better hardware, because game performance has been suffering the last two years due to its mediocre specs.
Gamecube’s probably my favorite. Resident Evil 4 and Metroid Prime were pretty formative games for me. Plus I like the indigo.
New 3DS. Perfect portable size, enormous library (with DS backwards compatibility), great games that are designed for short burts of time, fantastic 3d effect. Bottom screen used for interactive UI elements worked like a charm IMO.
I think N64 was my favorite. I have a lot of NES and SNES nostalgia but the 4 player multiplayer on N64 was when I had the most fun playing with friends.
I had played a ton of arcade games, atari 2600, atari 800, intellivision, og nintendo games but it was San Francisco Rush on the N64 where I had to stop playing because my eyes hurt. I realized I hadn’t blinked in an hour or so, I was that immersed in the experience. It was absolutely mind boggling to me at the time.
it was San Francisco Rush on the N64 where I had to stop playing because my eyes hurt
It was Hexen on N64 where I had to stop playing because I kept trying to play through the headache to and distract myself from being nauseous. One violent vomiting session later I found myself questioning life choices. ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ To this day I still can’t handle first person games …or third person games where the camera is too close, too low, too fast, or the framerate isn’t consistent/smooth. It kinda sucks.
+1 for the N64. My first Nintendo console (my first overall game console was a Genesis) and the first console to show me how games could really tell a story in an interactive way. So many great experiences with Mario, Starfox, Zelda, I’ll even give a shout-out to DK 64 beyond the DK rap. And of course, the 4-player multiplayer just doesn’t get any better, with the introduction of Smash Bros and Mario Party and some of the best racing games Nintendo’s ever made in Mario Kart 64, Wave Race and Diddy Kong Racing. Didn’t play too much GoldenEye but I’ll mention it anyway for mastering FPS fun with a single stick.
Multiplayer GoldenEye, Conker’s, and Turok Rage Wars. Hours and hours of good memories associated with that, for me.
The SNES by far. It’s the console I grew up with and even decades later, I stumbled across so many cool games I’d never heard of before that I decided to just play every game ever released for it to see what else I’ve missed. I have to record everything for YouTube to stay motivated to give every game its fair shot, though. Just playing them by myself would make me give up too quickly. In fact, I probably would have given up on the project entirely.
I’ve owned every machine so each one means a little something to me. The N64 was the first I bought with my own money and that had some amazing games. I still own my whole collection.
However I think I’m going with the Switch. So many great games, many more ported from the WiiU and me and friends are still playing Mario Kart and Smash Brothers weekly online.
I’ve owned every machine so each one means a little something to me.
The N64 was the first I bought with my own money and that had some amazing games. I still own my whole collection.
However I think I’m going with the Switch. So many great games, many more ported from the WiiU
Almost same. I realize that it’s also on WiiU, but BotW re-ignited something in me that I thought had been lost. And the Switch form factor, while it has obvious tradeoffs, basically made it into gaming option #1 since launch day. I’ve barely touched my XB1 outside of Rock Band since 2017.
However, I will always have a soft spot for the SNES. Again, so many great games. And the controller was brilliant for the time. Sony added handles, two more triggers, and sticks (to one-up the N64 after the fact), and that format is still the default blueprint to this day (copy-my-homework-but-change-it-up-a-bit notwithstanding). So much gaming DNA came from the SNES.
NES. SNES is superior, but most of my nostalgia revolves around NES titles.
Yeah, I wish I had an NES myself.
Oh well, that depends on my mood.
I switch between different consoles.
Sega is my usual brand to go for.
I am lucky enough to have an original NES with an HDMI mod. Paired with an Everdrive, it’s a thing of beauty.
Same here. Had an Atari 2600 then the NES entered my life and everything changed. Remarkable to have experienced in real time.
I loved the Super NES. So many great games and memories.
Agreed. I’m happy to have one with me.
Nintendo DS. Loved how it felt in my hands.
The DS Lite was too sharp and felt fragile. The 3DS was a gimmick, and the 2DS was the best 3DS version, but lacking folding hurt how portable it was. It never felt right having the screens exposed in my pocket. Losing GBA compatibility was also a deal breaker.
The OG DS was a perfect evolution of the GBA and I will take both of mine to my grave.
the 2DS was the best 3DS version, but lacking folding hurt how portable it was
They made the 2DS XL which folded.
I disagree completely about the 3D. I love it! It enhanced so many games, and many games included the 3D effect in the puzzles themselves, like in Mario 3D Land. And it was so much fun in A Link Between Worlds to make scary jumps down dozens of feet to land on a small platform. Especially the tower of Hera and the path to the ore mine.
However, the 3D effect added to games like Shovel Knight were not impressive, and I would turn it way down or off altogether.
PC with emulators or OG SNES
3DS had the best OS and system apps, Wii U was slow and crappy, Switch is sterile and boring
I mostly agree with you. But really, the Wii U wasn’t that bad. It’s slow af, yes, but it’s still fun to use. More than the switch for sure. I’ve been revisiting the console a bit lately due to the Nintendo Network shutdown, and the funky menu with the music and the Miis still puts a smile on my face.
If you count mods WiiU, if not it’s either GameCube or Wii.
Probably n64, and then snes. N64 has some of the earliest 3D game titles, along side PS1. Some really fun memories of playing 007 with my little brothers, and my 35 year old uncle who would accuse me of cheating when I beat him playing a shooter game with a steering wheel controller (bcz we only had 3 regular controllers). 🤣🤣
Good times. The SNES came out when I was maybe 4-5, so a lot of my earliest memories are from that console.
Wii for the immersion, 3DS for the 3D, Switch for the portability and more modern games