• ChunkMcHorkle@lemmy.world
    11 months ago

    Looking at the original Law & Order article, it says:

    The cause for the rejection, according to the New York County Supreme Court website, is because the requisite paperwork lacked a current financial statement. . . .It is also missing the name of his attorney-in-fact.

    They linked to the specific docket page for this case as well as a tweet showing the actual correspondence from the clerk of court: specifically, his bond submission is missing a current financial statement as well as the name of his power of attorney and the signature of his attorney-in-fact.

    To me, the financial statement being missing is almost expected, just because he’s got all his lies on one side and the court-appointed monitor on the other: anything he lists has a high probability of either contradicting statements he’s already made to the court OR ending up being proof of fraud themselves. Possibly both. And the NY court-appointed monitor can’t make one for him, because she’s only supervising the Trump Organization holdings, not every Trump holding everywhere.

    But the absence of the name of his legal representative AND the missing signature of his attorney is just bizarre. (They can be the same person; the signer takes responsibility for the contents of the filing and there’s usually some verbiage involving the penalties for perjury that says the signer attests to the truthfulness of its contents.)

    Given the instability and questionable competence of his team, it seems much less likely to have been forgotten or omitted in error (I mean, you don’t have to guess at including these things, there are lines on a form and you fill them out, it’s not neurosurgery) and much more likely, IMO, that someone has quit – or simply refused to sign, absolutely unwilling to be the latest casualty in Trump’s war on the courts.

    Just my opinion, but the story of the missing name and signature probably isn’t over yet.

    EDITED TO ADD: The correspondence shown in the tweet does not obviously refer to the issuer of the bond but appears to be directed toward the appellant (Trump), which correlates with NY law.

    In New York as well as some other places, an appeal bond is known as a supersedeas bond and is subject to the approval of the appellee, NOT the court. This is because the loser doesn’t owe the judgement to the court, the loser owes it to the winning party, so the winning party gets to say whether the surety or bond (the “undertaking” in NY law) is acceptable.

    I’ve seen some comments here insisting that the financial statement requested of Trump is for the entity providing the bond, but that is unlikely. In pretty much every US state, if you lose a court case and do not immediately pay, for any reason, the court will gather information about you that can and will be used later to collect. In this regard Trump is like any other appellant who is not paying immediately. They want HIS financials. Mr. Hankey’s (lol) financials are a different thing entirely, and if Letitia James wants those, she will request them separately and specifically.

    • SkyezOpen@lemmy.world
      11 months ago

      Dear white Jesus and Santa, please let trump file a fraudulent financial report as part of his bond filing. It would make me so happy. I promise to be good this year.