I’m not seeing this covered in any major outlets. Anyone got a reliable source?
MSN has it:
The bond appears to be fine, it’s the attached paperwork that was rejected.
"The cause for the rejection, according to the New York County Supreme Court website, is because the requisite paperwork lacked a current financial statement.
. . .
“It is also missing the name of his attorney-in-fact. Trump will have a chance to resubmit his request.”
So… not “filled with filing errors”… It was returned for correction because it missed an attachment, probably on purpose to conceal Trump’s property values. The original posts sounds like the actual bond issue failed somehow, but it was just the court asking for more details.
The bond is rejected and needs to be refilled.
The bond was successfully issued. The court filling was returned so that they could add one attachment.
When you say the bond was successfully issued, it doesn’t mean much if it’s not accepted. If you read thr court’s note there is a list of items he must provide.
To eliminate the semantics: Bond good filing bad.
I saw someone ask a question that interests me. If he submits his original financial statement, is that fraud? If he submits a revised statement, is that an admission of guilt?
I’m going to say it probably won’t matter at all, but it amuses me to think he might have crafted a perjury trap for himself.
It’s not his financial statement they want, it’s the bond company’s.
If he submits a revised statement, is that an admission of guilt?
He’s already been found guilty, admitting it at this point shouldn’t matter legally. IANAL
Oh so he’s totally going to jail now right?
Aaaaaany second now…
This gif gives me blue balls
As does the DOJ.
Justice edging
Not one of the criminal cases, so, no.
No it just means they have to re do the paperwork
But the darkest humor in this are the mistakes that keep being made by his team
I’m just gonna go out on a limb and assert that Alina Habba and Jenna Ellis were probably not selected for their legal acumen, but for being obedient acolytes no matter the ethicality of the demands made of them. Well that, plus their readiness to accept pay in promises rather than legal tender, and their overall ease on beady little orange eyes.
One notes Habba is still on the team though, front and center, perhaps because the field of attorneys willing to pay their mortgages with Trump promises has only shrunk in recent times. Ellis is not,** because Trump doesn’t like losers, especially convicted felons who fought and lost. Probably because they freak him out, bursting the fantasy with their ugly realities and reminding him of the much wider world of his own legal repercussions, should they ever actually arrive.
** I don’t know if Jenna Ellis ever actually got disbarred, she may still have a law license somewhere. But even if Trump could stand the constant reminders, now Ellis has legal bills of her own, and competent attorneys do not accept payment in the form of Trump promises.
They were also hired because they’re conventionally attractive women, and they probably signed an NDA saying they won’t mention where he grabs them.
He didn’t include his current financial statement, lol
Trust me
There’s nothing to gain from this, though. If he fails within the deadline to post his bond he just gets his appeal denied. Hopefully. At last.
I heard people say something similar about the last deadline before it got extended and reduced
So if he just keeps leaving things, are they going to just keep sending it back?
Presumably they would continue charging penalty interest if they aren’t accepting the bond.
Also the deadline is what, Friday? Sounds like another delay tactic so he can scream about the rigged courts not accepting his bond if the deadline passes and James starts collecting on the debt.
Was it ten calendar days or ten working days?
Doesn’t even matter does it? They will just keep breaking the rules for him. Justice is not only blind but hog tired or seems.
Looking at the original Law & Order article, it says:
The cause for the rejection, according to the New York County Supreme Court website, is because the requisite paperwork lacked a current financial statement. . . .It is also missing the name of his attorney-in-fact.
They linked to the specific docket page for this case as well as a tweet showing the actual correspondence from the clerk of court: specifically, his bond submission is missing a current financial statement as well as the name of his power of attorney and the signature of his attorney-in-fact.
To me, the financial statement being missing is almost expected, just because he’s got all his lies on one side and the court-appointed monitor on the other: anything he lists has a high probability of either contradicting statements he’s already made to the court OR ending up being proof of fraud themselves. Possibly both. And the NY court-appointed monitor can’t make one for him, because she’s only supervising the Trump Organization holdings, not every Trump holding everywhere.
But the absence of the name of his legal representative AND the missing signature of his attorney is just bizarre. (They can be the same person; the signer takes responsibility for the contents of the filing and there’s usually some verbiage involving the penalties for perjury that says the signer attests to the truthfulness of its contents.)
Given the instability and questionable competence of his team, it seems much less likely to have been forgotten or omitted in error (I mean, you don’t have to guess at including these things, there are lines on a form and you fill them out, it’s not neurosurgery) and much more likely, IMO, that someone has quit – or simply refused to sign, absolutely unwilling to be the latest casualty in Trump’s war on the courts.
Just my opinion, but the story of the missing name and signature probably isn’t over yet.
EDITED TO ADD: The correspondence shown in the tweet does not obviously refer to the issuer of the bond but appears to be directed toward the appellant (Trump), which correlates with NY law.
In New York as well as some other places, an appeal bond is known as a supersedeas bond and is subject to the approval of the appellee, NOT the court. This is because the loser doesn’t owe the judgement to the court, the loser owes it to the winning party, so the winning party gets to say whether the surety or bond (the “undertaking” in NY law) is acceptable.
I’ve seen some comments here insisting that the financial statement requested of Trump is for the entity providing the bond, but that is unlikely. In pretty much every US state, if you lose a court case and do not immediately pay, for any reason, the court will gather information about you that can and will be used later to collect. In this regard Trump is like any other appellant who is not paying immediately. They want HIS financials. Mr. Hankey’s (lol) financials are a different thing entirely, and if Letitia James wants those, she will request them separately and specifically.
Dear white Jesus and Santa, please let trump file a fraudulent financial report as part of his bond filing. It would make me so happy. I promise to be good this year.
Like everything else.
Well it means Trump’s financials will become public. Meaningless to you, but not to him it seems.
As said elsewhere, the bond company needs to share their financials. So not the Trump financials. This to ensure that the bond company has enough money for the bond.
Yeah, this boils down to “does the bond company have the money and was the bond issuer authorized to issue the bond”
It will get interesting if they for whatever reason can’t provide these two formalities, but I’m not holding my breath.
Won’t happen.
This is who Trump surrounds himself with, opportunists who smell a buck and who know they don’t have what it takes to make this kind of money honestly, so they just wing it.