With a electoral system like Ranked Choice voting, people would feel safe to vote for whomsoever they wish, as their vote would still be counted even if their preference didn’t win.
Just search for videos on FPTP voting if you want an explanation on how and why the spoiler effect exists.
Electoral reform is possible in each individual state (for now), we dont need federal reform! Maine and Alaska have already passed electoral reform.
Republicans are moving to make alternative electoral systems illegal in their states. Republicans LOVE first past the post voting. Just sbsolutely adore it. Why would you want to use the same voting system republicans want?
More political parties means a higher percentage of the population is represented by their choices in the voting booth. More people involved in the electoral process, more people engaged.
Its a win win win all around for not just the people, but also for the democratic party. More people voting means more democratic votes. The numbers dont lie. So what’s the hold up blue states?
Some day we will be able to vote for who best represents our interests. We won’t need to grovel on our knees, begging for representationin government. We won’t need to wait for the Republican party to stop existing.
We can do it right now. We don’t have to get over a damn thing. If anyone needs to get over themselves, it would be the democrats who assume they are the only way forward.
Consider starting a campaign to change how we vote in your own state! Force our representatives to compete with fresh outside ideas. We deserve the best representation, not excuses.
Hilary propped up Trump. Never forget that. The political turmoil we are currently in is directly because or her. Fuck her and the DNC
I remember something like this happening in Germany…some people like Von schleicher and Von Papen thinking if they propped up Hitler it would help the conservative old Gaurd consolidate power…not exactly the same but it looks the same and smells like shit to me
I remember something similar, the far left in Germany stabbing the Social Democrats in the back thinking Hitler coming to power would teach those establishment politicians a lesson and surely they’d get to bulldoze their way to lead next time!
“First Hitler, then Our Turn.”
She got her second choice in 2016, like all centrists did.
Since when was she a centrist? Her congressional voting and action history put her way left of the party, way farther than Obama, and second only to Bernie Sanders.
Lie to someone else. Obama won the 2008 primaries because his healthcare plan was to the left of Clinton’s.
Centrists in congress made sure to limit Obama’s plan to what Clinton ran on.
She’s nothing but a centrist.
Wait, wait, wait, are we talking about the healthcare plan that was fundamentally based on the individual mandate from the Heritage Foundation?
Also, are you referring to this plan from Hillary?
Yes and yes. Obama ran on a public option and no individual mandate. Clinton ran on no public option and an individual mandate. The Heritage Foundation plan was still to the left of what Clinton ran on.
We got what Clinton wanted, but the voters wanted what Obama was selling. Even though it turned out to be a bill of goods.
I remember the 08 campaign. Her cronies also made a huge stink about flag pins, started the “Obama isn’t a citizen” rumors that Trump would run with later, and once she had lost the nomination because the party didn’t successfully quash her opposition for her, her supporters started a PAC to get McCain/Palin elected because Clinton’s cult would rather have Palin as VP than have a black man be president.
Clinton’s VP pick of Tim Kaine in 2016 was an additional “fuck you” to everyone to her left. I get that you’re trying to pretend that Clinton is someone that the left should be happy with, but Clinton is centrist at best. She’s a corporate owned neoliberal from the “triangulate between the meekest Democrat and the vilest republican” Third Way James Carville wing of the party.
Yes, she is absolutely a centrist.
Hillary Clinton is an avid follower of the Iron Law of Institutions
Blink 2 times if you are being held against your will
Apologies for actually knowing the history of the subject. I’ve had these debates with misinformed people on subject regarding Clinton, Biden, and so many others going back years. For some reason, far left people actively fall for made up right wing BS claims about Democrats.
Liberals translate ‘misinformed’ to mean anything I don’t like
She openly opposed gay marriage as a NYS senator. Her career has been over long before 2016.
Oh, fun, we’re going back to the usual BS that tried to be thrown at her, despite her having the longest history of supporting the LGBT community out of anyone involved. I also remember leftists getting super pissed off when so many of the LGBT community supported her (though not the young ones who didn’t live through the period) because of her long history of supporting the community and being there, both personally and with her political position.
With her being likely the first Congressperson to force equal federal compensation and benefits for same sex couples that worked in her office or, later as SoS, who were in her department. Even if those couples weren’t married in the time period before that became legal.
Basic human rights are not subject to pragmatism. She wound up where she needed to be.
I don’t think it’s fair to put Trump all on her. If we were to ask anyone 10 years ago if someone like Trump could win the presidency we all would have laughed. No surprise they tried to prop up an opposing candidate they thought was bad.
Why not? Her supporters blame Trump on anyone who ever thought about voting for Sanders in the primaries, regardless of who they voted for in the general, and have for nearly 8 years now.
Sanders campaigned for her in states she ignored because they were full of worthless flyover hayseeds who were beneath her. Her campaign didn’t seem to understand how the electoral college functions.
Her campaign WANTED to go up against Trump because they were unforgivably stupid enough to think that Republicans would be less energized by a charismatic con man than by Jeb Bush, Republicans’ presumptive frontrunner that no one wanted.
Clinton earned her loss multiple times over.
The Simpsons warned her, and she did it anyways.
Yeah, that was exactly the feeling at the time. No one saw Trump coming.
I can only assume people making claims otherwise now are kids who have no understanding of the history involved.
I saw Trump coming. He did something no one else was doing at the time: acknowledge just how miserable life was for many Americans at the time. Other politicians have been content to pretend everything is great save for their pet policy projects, Trump said it’s all bad. In a post-COVID world this would be more effective save for his own history of failure and inaction, but people often have short memories and they will forget quickly if they get angry about something else.
Last thing anyone needs is the narcissist Hillary Clinton inserting herself where she doesn’t belong. I imagine voting enthusiasm will already be low because the choice between a failed conman and Weekend at Biden’s isn’t particularly enticing, so maybe Hillary can just fuck off for a bit and not make it worse.
Not just kids, white kids, nobody else needs to have it explained to them why throwing the election to punish the establishment does nothing to help anyone and in fact makes you not just a collaborator, but the most insidious and/or idiotic sort of one imaginable.
Their thinking is either, “I know how to defeat the fascists! Let the fascists win!” or much more likely underneath, “I know exactly where I stand on the hit list, I can wait it out for enough bodies to pile up so I can file my demands with the bodies as set dressing!”
The white left would see us all be made corpses before they ever tolerated the possibility that we might not choose to follow them without being convinced and compromised with.
I’ve read through several of your comments in this thread. Do you know any IRL leftists, or are you just assuming everyone is white from talking to people on lemmy?
Most of the leftists I know IRL aren’t white. And I’m sure some of them didn’t bother to vote for Hillary.
Literally everyone I know is either a leftist or comfortable in leftist spaces, and literally everyone I know thinks that the white “left” fuckasses who threw 2016 because counting votes instead of individual donors didn’t let them feel pandered to enough aren’t worth the air they breathe to spew their bullshit about what we made them do to us.
Dobbs is the white “left’s” child, they had the chance to abort, but they actively chose not to, and now they don’t get to abandon that child just because the fact that it wanders the neighborhood skinning small animals reflects bad on them.
Any real leftist with functioning brain cells either voted for Hillary or has owned up to the severe mistake that not doing that was, anyone else is just red-washing them being a fascist collaborator, and would live to see trial among the rest of the lot if the revolution they claim they want instead of voting ever actually came.
They don’t get to call themselves socialists while selling out the common laborer to republican governance, they don’t get to call themselves an ally while standing by as women are hung by the umbilical chord because republicans would rather let them die than allow the possibility that a woman can “pull a fast one on them,” they don’t get to call themselves anti-imperialists while making space for the president who handed Israel Jerusalem, the West Bank, and the Golan Heights getting back into office if it means they get to feel valid about using my people’s corpses as set dressing for the whole sickening display they want to paint for themselves as the saviors of us lowly ungratefuls who shall descend upon us with their divinely inspired marching orders that will surely brint about world peace and global communist revolution and surely won’t just get us all killed while they sigh and gaslight the survivors about how we just didn’t revolution hard enough for their brilliant plans to work.
I feel you. I just know a lot of black leftists that fall into that camp, so you constantly saying white leftists didn’t fit with my world view.
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I agree that any
leftistperson with two brain cells to rub together ought to have voted for Clinton in the general. I voted Sanders in the primary, and I certainly turned out for her. Maybe it’s just because I’ve blocked most of the tankie dipshits masquerading as leftists, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone claim otherwise that wasn’t a bona fide fash.I do think it’s both fallacious and counterproductive to blame Sanders supporters for Clinton’s loss, considering they voted for her at a much higher rate than Clinton’s own supporters did for Obama in 2008. Fully 25% of Clinton’s 2008 primary supporters voted McCain in the general. By comparison, only 12% of Sanders supporters voted Trump.
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