Anyone who tells you to “educate yourself” probably barely made it out of high school.
The only person who ever basically said that vaccines cause autism was Andrew Wakefield and he was a con artist who was trying to sell his special magic don’t give you autism vaccine, which turned out to be the same stuff as the “autism vaccine” or in some cases saline.
He had his medical licence revoked. He should have gone to prison.
Only morons believed him, and only morons continue to believe him.
The echoes of those morons are why we have a potential measles epidemic on the horizon
Edit: holy shit this post was 5 months ago—not sure how I found myself here
Oh you really embarrassed yourself there. Fancy replying to such an old post, the height bad form.
I’ll make sure to give myself the requisite 5 weeks in the Badger pit
But how many years of youtube study? How long has she been writing papers for anonymous society? I think all her medical practice and education shows how really uneducated she is.
they said to “educate yourself”, not “get education from experts and professors”
I did my residency for 3 years on TikTok and I have a PHD from YouTube.