It wouldn’t be a Tumblr screenshot without also showing some other person reacting to the actual content.
And their reaction didn’t even add anything to it. Could have been cropped out completely and only made it better.
This is my new favorite comment.
You do see the irony of this, right?
I think that’s the point
Nonono, this is their favourite post in all the lands. It’s not like they are indecent and often call other posts “their favourite post”
Hi billy mays here. Do you struggle with getting it up? Try our new product stiffer.
I am a guy and I think this is great.
But wait! There’s morrrrre!
Stop. I can only get so erect.
You’re going to love my nuts…
Billy Mays infomercial
I feel attacked right now.
You’re not alone.
If it ain’t Zorbeez, I can’t bust. What else has the power to absorb this much?!
If only it worked like that… Unfortunately the stigma is far greater on the first victim’s side, the response would lightly graze the asshole’s reputation
if a guy claims he slept with someone but they deny it, is anyone really just going to take the guy for his word?
Completely depends on the girl.
If she’s considered to be of loose morals, people will believe the guy. If she’s the teacher’s pet and goes to Sunday services, she’s getting the benefit of the doubt.
I spent 15 years working with high school boys. This is how it played out every time with few exceptions. We saw it multiple times per year. Society might evolve but the locker room moves a lot slower. We kept focusing on respecting each other, consent and keeping your yap shut when you’ve done something private with a consenting partner to respect privacy. Kids don’t listen.
it’s human nature to believe what they hear first, this is sadly true
This is pure genius and not only I aprove of it, I will actively spread it.
A true gentleman does not talk about favours granted.
FlexSeal spray on condoms. Put on a few extra coats to give it a little more girth.
spray on condoms are a thing that’s actually been worked on
Why not a small vat that you dip your erection in and in solidifies around the penis fairly quickly?
Imagine making sure that you lay enough coats of the spray-on with proper coverage to ensure that you actually are able to protect each other.
idk I’m not a dick scientist
Like captain planet, or something…
this is genius
Best would be “he wanted to have sex but when he warned me about his micropenis I was uncomfortable with the girth, it was too big for my tiny vagina.”
Can we not shame people for things beyond their control or choices?
They chose to start the rumor
Cool so if anyone does me wrong I can body shame them, got it.
Doesn’t really matter for those that actually suffer and have body issues to get reminded that their condition is seen as something that devalues that value as a partner though
That’s true, so that’s the thing you could shame them for per my request.
Plus, there are so many more creative ways to insult someone than making fun of their body! Like you chose to reply without any critical thinking or reading comprehension.
Like a can of tuna.
Billy Mays here! Is someone being a shitty person and spreading lies? Call now to be an even shittier person and perpetuate the lie with even disgusting and depraved lies! Now with 100% more scum for that real shitbag shine you always wanted! 1-800-U-R-A-DIRTY-LIAR
nah the guy spreading the rumor in the first place is the biggest piece of shit in this scenario, FAFO
Definitely, but telling lies in response is just sociopathic, which seems to jive with lots of folks online apparently.
Downvote away but this is in no way a healthy response. Once again, showcasing the toxicity of people on lemmy. This place is a shit hole
And the original lie isn’t sociopathic? You seem to think the secondary lies are somehow more damaging to the man than the original lie is damaging to the woman
Edit: ain’t saying this is a healthy or nice response. But he dished out a malicious, cruel lie that would damage her reputation (b/c let’s be real, the people doing this are teens and the slut label does real, lasting damage to a girl’s reputation), so she’s dishing malicious, cruel lies to damage his reputation. It’s weird that you decided that her behavior is worse than his. They’re doing the same thing to each other, he just started it in an attempt to boost his own reputation, which makes him the bigger piece of shit.
“X is bad” doesn’t mean “Y isn’t bad”.
Their first comment specifically called the woman the shittiest person in this scenario, that the woman’s lies were even more disgusting and depraved than the man’s lie, to which I strongly disagree. I never said they were condoning the man’s behavior (they did call the man a shitty person), I just questioned why they thought the woman was worse.
If you can’t handle the medicine, you best not be dispensing it.
You seem really concerned about the fee fees of some low value human, is this solidarity or something?
What about “It didn’t happen, but if it did, here’s how it would have gone down”
Ideally without the transphobic shit.
I don’t think using someone’s own insecurities against them because they were a jerk is quite the same as being truly hurtful to people who are actually going through mental distress.
Or is the former just being used as a cover for the latter?
Sure, maybe they’re just jerky to everyone, but making prejudiced presuppositions is the same stereotyping that everyone should avoid.
Former means first :p
Yeah, but it doesn’t change at all how I responded. Perhaps it is YOU who needs help understanding the response.
It might not change how you responded, but it does change how relevant it is to what I said. I didn’t condone any prejudices presuppositions. I said maybe “using their insecurities against them” is just an excuse to be an asshole.
Challenging the gender identity of a cisperson is not transphobic
yes that is a whole different kind of being an asshole. You don’t get to cHaLLeNge the gender identity of anyone but yourself.
the things said about the made up sexual encounter are clearly ment to demean or embarass the other person. Hence why it is transphobic.
Are you talking about the earrings and Daisy part? In my mind this can be a fetish, I wouldn’t think to associate it with trans people automatically.
I genuinely dont follow point number 2.
How does that make it a transphobic specific problem. I dont see the connection if you can help me connect the dots.
The other person isn’t trans though. It is meant to make a defamation attenpt backfire
But that’s exactly the point. The dudes claiming he slept with her when he didnt.
Your reply has nothing to do with my comment?
Turnabout is fair play…