A MAN has created a bizarre hybrid vehicle out of a motorbike and an old car – and it’s completely road-legal. He said the building of his “Hillbilly trike” – made up …
When reporter Andrew Rowan asked Couch why he built the contraption, Couch shrugged.
That is the most amazing response.
Wym this is fucking awesome. I’d definitely ask for pictures with it at Sturgis if I saw it there
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Oh damn, did I just find my new favorite community?
There’s a reason they stopped making trikes with the single turning wheel upfront. Hopefully, this guy doesn’t learn that lesson.
I assure you that trikes are still being made and sold.
Just looked it up and there are a couple still made. I stand corrected. Idk why anyone would buy those death traps when there are plenty of two in front options.
It’s for dumbasses who think they are smart because they don’t have to wear helmet and look cool whil riding trikes. These things disappeared over night here when the laws changed.
I’m sure he wears a helmet.
Nah, they still sell trikes like that (but I’d get a tadpole recumbent if was going to get something with 3 wheels).
If you get one, you just have to be careful turning and slow down.
Looks like the center of mass is low enough that it won’t tip over. Unlike the Reliant Robin everyone saw on top gear…
Yeah, I was gonna say, the rear wheel base is pretty wide (still, I wouldn’t want to take a sharp turn on this thing at speed lol)