Don’t mind me just waiting for my popcorn to be ready for this thread
You called it, fast.
It was easy. China is in the title and a lot of our new visitors seem to be allergic to that.
It’s like hypnotism. 123 you’re under. When someone says, ‘China’, you lose the power of critical thinking and repeat after me.
I wonder if we find the magic clap or finger click they’ll snap out of it?
And these are the same people who think that everyone in China is brainwashed and manipulated by their government.
Chinese people don’t go into a blind frothing-at-the-mouth Pavlovian rage every time the US is mentioned.
I find all the buthurt libs in the comment section quite funny. The US spent decades in the middle east and all it accomplished was wars, misery and death. China managed to restore diplomatic relations between Iran and Saudi Arabia, two sworn enemies for decades! What more evidence do you need that China is for peace and the US for war?
Face it, the US is a horrible country that has done nothing else other than inflict suffering on anyone that it has ever come across. China is the best hope for humanity, and you better hope they become the de facto world leader. If they colapse by some ungodly reason, then you might as well start searching for ways to leave this planet, because it will become one giant hellhole.
uhhh, tell that to the slow trains China genocided 🚆 🪦 🙏