Ah good ole Poe’s Law
Yeah, but on rocket fuel and crack cocaine. People getting way too fart-sniffing with their own sarcasm and double-reverse trolling was always a problem. That shit has now been extra confounded and complexified by the sheer DENSITY of meme and shitpost culture, over there.
If you look away for a couple of weeks, you might as well have been in a coma for ten years. Nothing makes sense, even the comments on every post are dense and packed with in-jokes and sub-memes, and whole new communities are created every fucking day, just to delve further into the meta-meme-ification.
People are addicted to being in the in-circle like that. It’s a rush having something so secretly in common with others. It can consume people.
postmodern meta meta meta meta meta meta irony is the new pseudo anti-meta the third squared bro.
Dig me? And will someone please ranch me the fuck up for fucks sake
Now you’ve got it
The people posting in those subs probably don’t even know either. Fascists upvoting communists and vice versa because nobody wants to admit they don’t get the joke
Do better things with your time… Like arguing with me that I’m not doing anything better with my time.
echo reddit.com >> /etc/hosts
Fixed all my problems with reddit permanentlyI’ve literally subbed for months trying to figure out if a community is sarcastic or not.
They all start out that way, but eventually enough people join and don’t get it that it becomes real.
At which point someone starts a new parody sub, with an even more bananas-ass name that nobody understands, because the ultra-mega-meta coded references it makes are, like, six permutations deep. And the whole cycle begins again.
Juiced and noodlepilled
Why does this guy have a earpiece wired to his brain hanging out of his ear
Huh. I didn’t notice that. And I got this image from Pixabay, when I was unable to make an AI image that worked for the meme. At least up until now, Pixabay hasn’t had a bunch of AI images, but maybe this one is. It’s pretty good, though.
I feel like we have been sucked in a vortex that takes any attempt at parody and satire and uses it to push the overton window towards fascism.
Yeah, pretty much. I’ve basically felt like I’ve been loopy on nitrous oxide, since about 2011. That’s been the subjective experience. World just started to go fully whack-a-doodle nuts.
Likewise here on Lemmy I can’t tell if Leftist Memes is actually for left-leaning memes or if it’s basically TheRightCantMeme but for making fun of leftist memes.
I think it’s really clear that we are the last outpost of the real left.
Why does anyone need to figure out whether a forum is left or right leaning? You go there and if you like the content you stay and if you dont like the content you leave, its literally that easy.
I don’t intend to participate, either way. I just think the impenetrable in-joke meta-culture of the subreddits in question has gotten WAY TOO STUPID.
I don’t think you’ve seen what I’m talking about. It’s fucking weird.
deleted by creator
Fucking aye roit, mate!
Because maybe I like the content for totally unrelated reasons not even knowing it’s true intention and don’t want to be associated with the people it’s really for.
The question OP poses is not if the content is left or right, but whether the apparent left/right position is sincere or ironic