The Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT2 is probably the only headphones most of us will ever need. I use my first gen (ATH-M50xBT) for everything from Bluetooth audio, to gaming and music production.
YOOOO WHAT i actually use those rn (the bt2) and i like them a tonne. only that my hair gets caught on the sharp edges a lot and its super painful, and the mic quality being bad (but i have a dedicated mic for that anyway at home). kinda thought to buy a new pair but i already have something extremely good and i dont really use the mic a lot
I always found theic to be there as a “if you need it, it exists” feature, not a selling point.
I recently saw that Finneas (Billie Eilish’s brother and an incredibly talented producer) mains the M50x as his studio monitors. They are probably one of the best $200 you can spend for audio related things.
Using a headphone in production =/= a good headphone.
Cans for mixing have a compleptly different sound signature than for music enjoyment. Unless you just love trebble, stuff like beyerdynamic and m50x are atrocious sounding.
They are a resolving headphone for sure, and very well built. They’re not a bad headphone per-se but for normal folks they really need to stop being recommended so much.
Stuff like the Philips shp9500 and akg K371 are way more enjoyable, cheaper, and still pretty much indestructible. But the true advice is that audio is subjective as fuck, try out some stuff and find what you like. Trust your ears, not some dude on the Internet
i believe it. after i got my pair i started seeing everyone use them, kinda like that spiderman pointing meme. even well respected people, on the mkbhd podcast, everywhere. the mic thing your right about though
I have and use those headphones, they are great. But there are some awesome open back headphones which I think a lot of people would enjoy, both from a sound and a comfort point of view.
For instance, I use sennheiser hs560s for my pc, the wired version costs as much as the bluetooth m50x (although hd560s benefit from a dac which adds cost). they have much better directionality than the m50x, which helps a lot in gaming. the more open sound stage is nice and you can wear them for much longer without getting sweaty. The mx50s are also way more bassy which is subjective if good or bad.
The m50x are great, but they are really just the tip of the iceberg.
The m50x are great, but they are really just the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, that’s kind of my point. The M50x-BT is basically what most people will ever need as a “do everything” headphone. Are they the best? No, but if you have a long list of things you want to do and only $200 to do so, the Audio-Technica have you covered.
I’m on my third set of ear pads for my ATH-M50x. Now the headband foam needs replacing since I’ve worn them so much lol.
Pretty great headphones. I gotta wonder if the ones above it (ATH-M60x and ATH-M70x) sound noticably better or if there are diminishing returns, since the ATH-M50x already sound great.
Yeah I’m on my second set of pads as well.
Hopefully they’ve got a good fix for the foam… I’ve never looked into it.
And honestly. I’m not an audiophile. I know these sound amazing… and I can obviously tell the difference between them and say ear buds. But idk if it would be worth upgrading. I fear my ears wouldn’t know the difference.
The wired model has been my daily driver for damn near 8 years now. Use em for music at work and gaming at home (though I would approve for gaming at work). I haven’t wanted or needed to upgrade since I got them
The Audio-Technica ATH-M50xBT2 is probably the only headphones most of us will ever need. I use my first gen (ATH-M50xBT) for everything from Bluetooth audio, to gaming and music production.
YOOOO WHAT i actually use those rn (the bt2) and i like them a tonne. only that my hair gets caught on the sharp edges a lot and its super painful, and the mic quality being bad (but i have a dedicated mic for that anyway at home). kinda thought to buy a new pair but i already have something extremely good and i dont really use the mic a lot
I always found theic to be there as a “if you need it, it exists” feature, not a selling point.
I recently saw that Finneas (Billie Eilish’s brother and an incredibly talented producer) mains the M50x as his studio monitors. They are probably one of the best $200 you can spend for audio related things.
(Forward to 5:50)
Using a headphone in production =/= a good headphone.
Cans for mixing have a compleptly different sound signature than for music enjoyment. Unless you just love trebble, stuff like beyerdynamic and m50x are atrocious sounding.
They are a resolving headphone for sure, and very well built. They’re not a bad headphone per-se but for normal folks they really need to stop being recommended so much.
Stuff like the Philips shp9500 and akg K371 are way more enjoyable, cheaper, and still pretty much indestructible. But the true advice is that audio is subjective as fuck, try out some stuff and find what you like. Trust your ears, not some dude on the Internet
i believe it. after i got my pair i started seeing everyone use them, kinda like that spiderman pointing meme. even well respected people, on the mkbhd podcast, everywhere. the mic thing your right about though
I have and use those headphones, they are great. But there are some awesome open back headphones which I think a lot of people would enjoy, both from a sound and a comfort point of view.
For instance, I use sennheiser hs560s for my pc, the wired version costs as much as the bluetooth m50x (although hd560s benefit from a dac which adds cost). they have much better directionality than the m50x, which helps a lot in gaming. the more open sound stage is nice and you can wear them for much longer without getting sweaty. The mx50s are also way more bassy which is subjective if good or bad.
The m50x are great, but they are really just the tip of the iceberg.
Yeah, that’s kind of my point. The M50x-BT is basically what most people will ever need as a “do everything” headphone. Are they the best? No, but if you have a long list of things you want to do and only $200 to do so, the Audio-Technica have you covered.
I had some shit hyperx headphones for work… No one could hear me on it’s mic and I had issues hearing them.
So I bought a $30 mic and a boom arm… And now I’m using my ath-m50x for audio through a USB DAC.
It’s sad that they are reduced to that on a daily basis… but my work life is so much better.
Amazing headphones for every use
I’m on my third set of ear pads for my ATH-M50x. Now the headband foam needs replacing since I’ve worn them so much lol.
Pretty great headphones. I gotta wonder if the ones above it (ATH-M60x and ATH-M70x) sound noticably better or if there are diminishing returns, since the ATH-M50x already sound great.
Yeah I’m on my second set of pads as well.
Hopefully they’ve got a good fix for the foam… I’ve never looked into it.
And honestly. I’m not an audiophile. I know these sound amazing… and I can obviously tell the difference between them and say ear buds. But idk if it would be worth upgrading. I fear my ears wouldn’t know the difference.
how long have you had them for, to need to replace the ear pads? i’ve had mine for a bit over a year and they still look perfect
I bought mine in 2016 and replaced the ear pads in 2017.
I remember they cracked. Bought an aftermarket set and I’ve been good since then.
Got the headphones Feb. 2016
1st pad replacement around 2019 sometime
2nd pad replacement Aug. 2023
oh damn, so those are some pretty big gaps in time
I have a pair of wired ath m50x from 2008. They still work well and on the third set of pads.
The wired model has been my daily driver for damn near 8 years now. Use em for music at work and gaming at home (though I would approve for gaming at work). I haven’t wanted or needed to upgrade since I got them
I use mine wired 99% of the time. The Bluetooth, like the mic, is a “nice to have”.
I got the version without bluetooth and I feep like I will never need another pair of headphones ever
I agree that they sound good, but man do my m50xs hurt my head! Can anyone recommend a comparable headphone that’s actually comfortable?
M50 with velour pads and appropriate EQ to compensate… 🙂↔️🫠
Unfortunately one can’t EQ them without additional equipment.
I’ve been using the M40x for years! Incredible pair of cans, same headset Lena Raine (Celeste Soundtrack) uses