For me, it was Princess Rosalina’s backstory in Super Mario Galaxy.
I’m not really a crier when it comes to games, but what brought me close most recently was when I was doing a run of the entire Metro trilogy for the first time.
Spoiler ahead for Metro Exodus
If you’re doing the good ending run of Metro Exodus, then you spend most of the game beating the odds and being able to save everyone…
So watching Colonel Miller, someone you become fairly attached to throughout the series, succumb to radiation poisoning while you drive out of Novosibirsk, knowing that there was absolutely nothing I as the player could do but watch was heart-wrenching.
He’d completed the mission, but he just couldn’t make it home - it’s such a bittersweet ending, but including his speech at the end, it’s a good one.
Portal endings. Especially the ending of Portal 2.
Shaauuunn! Shaun! Shaauuunn! Shaaauuun! Shauuun! Shaauuunn!
A weird one that I’ve not seen mentioned: the intro to Battlefield 1. It is really well crafted and was emotional in a way I’ve never felt from a war FPS.
The multiple unavoidable deaths and brief epitaph shown on screen, before hot swapping to the next soldier felt poignant. Really hit me with the pointlessness and futility of WWI, the plight of the common soldier and the sheer scale of death.
League of legends. Top picked teemo. Mid was saying that he couldn’t speak because of chat ban. Jungler went afk after dying to wolves. Bot yelled at me all game for his feeding.
I cry everyday.
Lots of moments in Honkai Impact 3.
There’s literally a YT channel that collects tears from streamers playing the game.
There’s a lot of context needed to understand why anyone would cry playing through HI3 though. I’ll give a high level summary here, but I highly encourage people to play it, even if it’s a gacha game. You can really ignore the gacha and just play the game for the main story. Do be warned that the story isn’t something suitable for kids — it can be quite a bit too heavy for them.
The theme of self-sacrifice is covered quite extensively, with the main character being the centrepiece of the theme. There’s also deep self-loathe, with an eventual self-acceptance, also from the MC. Mix that all in with some sense of duty.
There’s also a tragedy, but from the tragedy, a narrow path to hope was born. The people in the tragedy mostly hoped only for a simple life, or to live their lives atoning for their sins, but circumstances forced them to become warriors against a great, unstoppable force of destruction. As if to make things harder to swallow, their digital clones that survived into the future have to experience yet another tragedy that would eventually destroy all of them, and the player will see this through. Yet, in the second tragedy, these clones further sowed the seeds of hope for the future.
Chinese company or not, HoYo has pumped out a lot of very human stories that I think deserves attention and praise. Genshin Impact has also started to go down a similar path.
There have actually been a lot of games that have made me cry over they years. Some of the ones I remember are:
Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, 3 and Peace Walker
Kingdom Hearts 1, 2, BBS, Re:Coded and 358/2 days
Final Fantasy 10 and (obviously) Crisis Core
Castlevania Order of Ecclesia
I’m pretty sure there are more but I can’t really remember any others. I’ve kind of always been very sensitive to emotional things, so a lot of games get at least a tear or two but the ones I mentioned were games that I remember being wrecked after playing.
There are so many seens in Metal Gear that tear me up. MGS1 has my favorite moment, in the bad ending with Otacon and Snake, but Sniper Wolf’s scene is brutal to me too.
The completion of Lohse’s character arc in Divinity:Original Sin 2.
Lisa the joyful. Broke me and people should just play it and not look up any spoiler.
I was pretty emotionally stunted and depressed as a teenager and had trouble crying even when I wanted to (it’s a horrible feeling, physically) so Earthbound and Mother 3 were therapeutic
“To the moon” Nice little point and click adventure. I played it through one afternoon and was sad for the following two days.
I convinced my partner to play it recently and the way I knew she’d finished it was that I could hear sniffling from the desk behind me.
spoiler alert
Witcher 3 when Ciri wakes up, hands down.
But also Priscilla’s song.
And also in RDR2 the cutscene with Unshaken. Arthur is alive and out from prison but broken, sick, and the writing is on the wall.
“Keep that hair short”
There’s a few moments in Telltale’s The Walking Dead series, but especially season 1
crazy how telltale had the only good walking dead game 😂