Vice President Kamala Harris on Friday called on the federal government to move “as quickly as possible” to change the way it officially classifies marijuana, saying that “nobody should have to go to jail for smoking weed.”
“I cannot emphasize enough that they need to get to it as quickly as possible,” Harris said. “We need to have a resolution based on their findings and their assessment. This issue is stark when one considers the fact that on the schedule currently, marijuana is considered as dangerous as heroin ― as dangerous as heroin ― and more dangerous than fentanyl, which is absurd, not to mention patently unfair.”
Marijuana is currently listed as a Schedule 1 drug by the Drug Enforcement Administration. That classification designates it one of the most dangerous drugs possible, with no medicinal uses. Other substances in the same category include heroin, ecstasy and LSD. Marijuana advocates have been pushing for years for the federal government to either reschedule marijuana to a different category or deschedule it entirely.
Biden could order cannabis descheduled ( what his campaign program was) and if agencies don’t listen, fucking fire the agency heads and hire someone that will. It literally one of the handful of things he could do himself.
But somehow it’s 3.5 years into his first term. And Biden has apparently compromised even more with himself and we won’t get his original compromise of descheduling.
When a president acts like this right before their next election, lots of voters rationally stop believing any of their current campaign promises.
What do you mean? This is standard political fare… most of the population has the memory of a goldfish, so popular shit like this always waits until the election cycle.
Additionally, an executive order, or changing the chief of the DEA, are probably the least effective ways to handle it. All it would take is a republican administration to undo it all. The way that sticks best is legislation.
Your boat is leaking.
Do you either bail out the water, or try to get into port so you can fix it.
Or maybe, you do both. Biden can reschedule…. Today. He could have done it 3.5 years ago.
He hasn’t. He probably won’t.
You’re right that legislation is a more permanent fix. No question there. Doesn’t mean you don’t work the other, faster, solution to get something good enough for the time being done.
I’m not convinced they’d even try passing the legislation once some executive order was issued. It would be touted as a victory for the Biden Administration, and then forgotten about until 2028…
God damnit, when did I become so cynical?
You’ve seen the world we live in.
Cynicism is just a prudent reaction to reality.
Biden cannot just wave a wand. Learn the fucking truth before you spout nonsense like this.
He’s been following the framework of the CSA since October 2022 with this:
And it’s currently in the final stage, sitting with the DEA. It’s getting done.
You consider a press release from the guy slow walking this to be a reliable source.
Following tue legal framework to get this done is slow footing it? Are you aware it’s in the final stage before getting rescheduled?
Claiming that slow walking it is following some fictional legal framework is just an excuse for slow walking it.
I’m not buying any bullshit about it being the final anything.
If you want me to treat it as anything more than a filthy lie, democrats should have been taking their campaign promises more seriously.
Let me guess. We’re in the final stage of passing the public option, the minimum wage increase, codifying roe, and closing gitmo as well. I’m sure we’re in the final stage of passing BBB and reforming our out of control police too.
After decades of lies, you expect me to buy that Democrats are telling the truth about wanting to do the right thing?
What unmitigated hogwash.
Fictional legal framework? Lmao
Go read up on the CSA hon.
The decision is resting with the DEA now, who are the decision makers.
So quote it. Quote the law that is preventing Biden from descheduling cannabis.
Not a press release, not an op-ed, the actual law.
Chuck Schumer was saying Biden should deschedule back in January. He knows more about the process than you do.
EDIT: and just like that, the condescension and the excuses for prolonging the racist drug war stop.
Stupid uninformed people…
Most of them vote R or not at all.
But neoliberals refuse to acknowledge people who aren’t ignorant and do care.
“Because what are ya gonna do, vote Republican?”
It doesn’t work.
Maybe we try helping people? Worst case scenario, Dems actually help people when they’re in office.
Isn’t that the whole point of electing Dems? Isn’t that better than just stalling the Republicans destruction of our country?
I completely agree… but that’s how this shit goes. This is definitely one of the situations where both sides pull the same shenanigans. When was the last time you heard Kamala Harris open her mouth? Granted, she’s been busy in a divided Senate, but Dan Quayle was more visibly present during the elder Bush’s administration than Kamala has been during Biden’s. Now she crawls out of the Senate chambers to talk about cannabis? Better late than never I guess.
It’s not like Biden’s administration hasn’t been doing anything useful. But these wildly popular policy initiatives that would do a lot of good often wait for politically convenient moments when it’ll be fresh in the electorate’s memory.
Which is the exact danger of running neoliberals that only care about being elected.
The only thing making this “how shit goes” is both parties get money from the same donors who don’t want anything fixed.
It’s not like how the sun sets everyday and there’s nothing we can do.
So telling people “that’s the way she goes” isn’t helping and is only hurting turnout.
Ok… so how do we run people genuinely interested in fixing it? How do we make this not how shit goes? I can’t argue that it’s really disheartening, but the idea that any party is going to run anyone primarily interested in anything other than getting reelected is absurd. The National Committees for each party would never give them a platform. Running third party is suicide here.
The real change that needs to happen is election reform to provide more transparent campaign financing and moving away from a First Past the Post voting system. That’s how you get people in who can actually fix the issues we have in a constructive and positive manner. It won’t be perfect but it would be helpful. Then we’d have a flourishing of different political parties emerge and voters would have actual choice.
“That’s the way she goes” shouldn’t hurt turnout. The reality is we’re facing the single greatest threat to the basic ideals of the American Republican Democracy. Bigger things are afoot than cannabis policy. I’ll take this political grandstanding from the Biden administration 10 times out of 10 than one more day of a Trump administration.
Ranked choice voting! Then, aside from the stupid money and power the two party system has, you can make your voice heard. You can actually say “I don’t want Biden, but I’ll take him if my candidate doesn’t win.” That will make the neo-libs move the needle. Like everything else, though, it will probably happen state-by-state.
All of those are good ideas to fix it, but we can’t make those changes with the system as broken as it is.
I think the biggest thing to help turnout would be acknowledging that nothing is going to get done, and that we want a government that just makes nice noises since we clearly can’t get one that actually works. Like you said: You’d take this sort of grandstanding over Trump any day.
It’s like a mechanic putting in some Sea Foam cleaner to get rid of the knock over doing a full engine rebuild, which we can’t afford. Yeah, it’s gonna break down eventually but at least you don’t have to deal with the noise. It’ll break down eventually, but for now you can at least hear NPR.
Undo citizens united would be a great first step…
Something that the majority of Dem voters agree with.
Without those donations and the obligations they come with, neoliberals would stop winning primary elections, and the ones still in office would stop having a reason to oppose progress.
I didn’t read anything else you typed after that, because if you didn’t understand that already, I don’t see how anything else you could have said was in any way relevant
Not very wise in the ways of the legislative beach, are we?
Ah… so you’re not interested in discourse. I see.
Citizens united was bullshit and never should have gone the way it did, but more could be done.
And as another user mentioned… undoing settled case law is a terrible way of doing things… look at RvW…
I guess pardoning all federal possession and use convictions isn’t helping people eh?
He attempted to forgive student debt (which was in his right to do so as head of the executive branch) and got swatted down by the corrupt Supreme Court. What do you think will happen if he rescheduled marijuana?
He waited 2 years till he lost the house, made a half assed attempt he knew would fail, then said:
And voters remember that when it’s two years later and he tries to tell them elections are important and if Trump wins suddenly the president is all powerful.
Neoliberals do the same shit as republicans. They need their voters to believe that when the other team is president, the president is all powerful. But when their own team is in power, the president can’t do shit, so it’s not their fault campaign promises aren’t kept.
The student loan forgiveness was swatted down because he technically didn’t really have the authority to do so, Congress typically holds the power of the purse. Rescheduling isn’t at risk of violating the separation of power as the DEA is under the purview of the executive.
The Higher Education Act of 1965 grants a presidential administration via the Education Secretary, authority to “enforce, pay, compromise, waive, or release” government-held federal student loans.
At least until the Corrupt Supreme Court said differently.
Source for where Biden called for it to be descheduled?
I can’t find it.
So you don’t have one?
He didn’t campaign on DEscheduling, he campaigned on REscheduling. Which just so happens to be in the final stage of happening.
Yeah I agree, they’d be better not even bringing it up instead of walking around campaigning on something they should have done years ago.
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