What is your favourite developer company? Mine is ID Tech because they made games like the original DooM games which have serious long standing modding support and Quake for some of those tense DM games!

What are yours?

  • Goronmon@lemmy.world
    1 year ago

    I wouldn’t say I necessarily have favorite developers, since I’ve rarely played and enjoyed more than a single game from a developer. At least before that developer is closed or morphed into something else.

    Currently, I would say Bethesda is probably my only favorite “developer” currently going. I actually enjoyed Starfield quite a bit and have enjoyed their games going all the way back to Morrowind. Not to mention, there still isn’t anyone else that has managed to act an alternative to their style of games.

    Beyond them, I’m wracking my brain trying to come up with another developer that is still putting out games and that I would classify as a “favorite developer” and not just “a developer who makes one game I like”.

    Edit: FROM Software, that’s what I was probably trying to think of. I’ve definitely enjoyed quite a few of there games.